
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Americans Addicted to Distracted Driving Despite Dangers

Safety experts have been working long and hard to convince Americans to stop engaging in distractions behind the wheel, but the problem is only getting worse. According to NBC NEWS, there’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that shows cell phones and text messaging devices are some of the most dangerous…


SWFL Senior Driving Safety in Focus as Season Begins

You’ve probably noticed, our roadways are getting a little more cramped with each passing day. The snowbirds are heading south and they’re setting up camp here in South Florida. Did you know that the state of Florida leads the country with more than 17 percent of our population being 65-years-old…


Red-Light Running and Intersection Traffic Accidents in Southwest Florida

In 2011 alone, there were more than 700 people who were killed and another 120,000 who were injured in accidents that involved red-light running drivers. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), about half of the people who were killed in these accidents were the occupants of the…


Uninsured Motorist Accidents – Florida at Highest Risk

Across the United States, chances are roughly one in seven that a driver is uninsured, according to new estimates from the Insurance Research Council (IRC). The estimated percentage of uninsured motorists declined four straight years before rising to more than 14 percent in 2008. The struggling economy, many believe, is…


Traffic Fatalities on Steep Rise in Florida

Traffic statistics aren’t working in Florida’s favor, according to the recent release of the 2012 Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data from the National highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). According to the recent release, the number of traffic accident fatalities in 2012 rose by more than 1,080 from 2011. Most…


SWFL Traffic Safety in Focus Through Busy Thanksgiving Weekend

Our roadways are expected to be packed for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Wednesday before Turkey Day is expected to be the worst travel day of the entire weekend, reports Florida Today. “If gas prices weren’t as low as they are, things probably would have been flat compared to last year.…


Tired Drivers Increase Southwest Florida Traffic Accident Risks

Each year, officials with the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety survey drivers throughout the country to get an insight into their driving attitudes and behaviors. This year, officials with the AAA talked with drivers about their outlook on drowsy driving, as part of National Drowsy Driving Prevention Week (Nov 10-16).…


Car Accident Risks Skyrocket in Southwest Florida as Tourist Season Begins

According to the most recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were more than 7,000 people who were killed in traffic accidents already in 2012. Although this is about a 4 percent decrease from the early estimates of 2012, we’ve still got the holiday travel season…


Early Dark Increases Accident Risks in Southwest Florida

The truth is black and white. Accident risks are higher during the evening hours than during the daytime. According to Science Daily, most streets in the United States don’t have roadway lighting, which only worsens the problem. Despite these concerns, the proportion of nighttime driving is not likely to go…

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