
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


States Amp Up Distracted Driving Laws, Florida Still Lagging Behind

Safe driving advocates continue to yank on the coat tails of state lawmakers, asking them to beef up distracted driving laws. Some state lawmakers are listening and are looking into creating steeper fines and tougher penalties for those who are busted driving while engaging in certain distractions. Lawmakers in the…


Heatstroke-Related Child Injuries in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Likely with Summer Heat

Kids are left in hot cars every day. Many times, they’re accidentally left in cars by a parent. In other cases, daycare centers, babysitters and other caregivers have left children behind, with serious or fatal results. More than 30 kids were killed when they were left inside a hot car…


Officers Fighting Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere over Fourth of July Holiday

Each year, the Fourth of July serves as a holiday with some of the highest risks for alcohol-related car accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere. This year, law enforcement officers from around the state are working together and are increasing enforcement efforts as a part of the “Drive Sober or…


Teen Car Accidents in Fort Myers Result of Inexperience

It’s the summertime and teen drivers are hitting our roadways. They’re heading to the beach, they’re cruising to the mall and they zipping on over to friends’ houses. According to the newly-released statistics from there National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were nearly 2,000 drivers between 15- and 20-years-old…


Drunk Driving Accidents in Fort Myers a Summer Risk

New statistics are out on drunk driving accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were close to 10,500 people who were killed in alcohol-related traffic accidents in 2010. This is the most recent statistic out regarding these kinds of accidents. These…


Deadliest Car Accidents in Naples and Elsewhere during Summer Season

According to John Ulczycki with the National Safety Council (NSC), having a car accident in Naples and elsewhere is the gravest summertime threat for residents across the state. For most Americans, car accidents are the leading cause of injury. During the summer season, more cars travel the country roads for…

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