Distracted driving-related car accidents in Fort Myers are a hot topic among residents, law enforcement and government officials in our area. There’s even a Stop Distracted Driving Facebook page for the city of Fort Myers. Even with all of this awareness about this dangerous driving behavior, we still see about…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Car Accidents in Florida Rank as Number One Cause for Work-Related Fatalities
Car accidents in Florida were the number one cause of death for on-the-job fatalities in both 2009 and 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2010, Florida experienced more than 200 work fatalities, nearly half of which were caused by work-related traffic accidents. To help combat this problem,…
NOYS’ 2011 Summit to Help Reduce Risks of Teen Car Accident in Cape Coral, Fort Myers
The 2011 Distracted Driving Summit will be held this year on October 17th in Washington D.C.. This is an important event that helps to reduce the risks of car accidents in Lee County and elsewhere. This year’s event is being put on by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS)…
Toyota Studies Top Causes for Senior and Teen Car Accidents in Fort Myers, Nation
Newly-licensed drivers typically think they’ve got the whole driving thing down pat. According to a recent study, more than 90 percent of young drivers believe that their driving abilities are better than a majority of other drivers. Problem with that is that it’s not true! Psychologists say they have “illusive…
Parents Can Reduce Risks of Child Passenger Injuries in Lee County
“Research shows that as children age, they are less likely to be in the appropriate child safety seat for their age and weight. It’s the responsibility of every parent and caregiver out there to make sure their children are safely restrained every trip, every time,” said Liz Moreno, Safe Kids…
Seat Belt Usage Meets Record High — Decreasing Risks of Fatal Car Accidents in Lee County
A record number of motorists are now wearing their seat belts, according to a recent press release from the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive (DHSMV). New records conclude that 8 out of 12 of the surveyed Florida counties returned an…
Ronshay Dugans Act Aims to Reduce Fatigued Driving Car Accidents in Naples and Elsewhere
Sleepy driving is a quick way to get you into a serious car accident in Naples or elsewhere in Florida. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in our state. Drivers believe they have the will power and the strength to tough through fatigued driving, and the truth is that it’s…
FMPD Looking to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Accidents in Fort Myers over the Labor Day Weekend
The Fort Myers Police Department and about 10,000 other law enforcement agencies throughout the country started enforcement efforts aimed at intoxicated drivers to reduce the risks of drunk driving accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere through the Labor Day weekend. The nationwide campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” has…
Florida Dominates List of Dangerous Car Accident Cities
Statistics of fatal car accidents in Florida were recently analyzed by CNBC and figures conclude that Florida makes up a third of the list for the “15 Dangerous Cities for Driving.” Researchers took a look at traffic data from a number of large cities with populations of 150,000 or more…
Teens Face Increased Risks for Fatal Car Accidents in Fort Myers as School Year Begins
The Florida Teen Driver Challenge is a program with one goal: to reduce the number of teen car accidents in Cape Coral and elsewhere in Florida. The program was launched in 2006 when the Florida Sheriff’s Association took notice of the large number of teens that were being killed in…