
Articles Posted in Car Accidents


FHP Targeting Intoxicated Drivers during Labor Day Weekend to Reduce Risks of Drunk Driving Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere

Holiday weekends come with an increased risk of being involved in a drunk driving accident in Fort Myers and elsewhere in Southwest Florida. To help keep these accidents to a minimum, the Florida Highway Patrol will be participating in a national campaign, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.” Increased enforcement…


GHSA Steps in to Help Prevent Distracted Driving Car Accidents in Naples and Elsewhere

As we’ve recent reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, our state is one of the few states left that has absolutely no law in place prohibiting or restricting any or all drivers from using a cell phone or texting behind the wheel. The Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) is…


Studies Fail to Influence Distracted Driving Regulations in Florida to Reduce Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere

As we recently discussed on our Florida Injury Lawyers Blog, Florida is one of the few states left that still has no law regulating the distractions of drivers on our roadways. Drivers of all ages on our roadways are allowed to talk on their cell phone, send text messages, surf…


National Crash Study Examines Car Accidents in Florida

The Naturalistic Driving Study, the world’s largest field study of driving behavior, is looking for participants in Florida. This study looks to record driver’s actions and reactions behind the wheel when interacting with varying traffic conditions and in the event of a car accident in Fort Myers or elsewhere. The…


Teen Driver Tests Back Online in Florida – Officials Worries about Cheating

About a year ago, authorities nixed the statewide system that allowed teens to take their learner-permit driving exam online. Well, the tests are to be back online in an attempt to appeal to the keyboarding generation, to provide more convenience to the customer and to reduce the wait at some…


New Vehicle Technology — Contributing to Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere?

Not only are Florida drivers able to use their cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, but they can also shuffle through their iPod play lists, surf the internet, send text messages and find their destinations without ever taking their eyes off the road. Although our driver’s eyes may still…


San Carlos Drunk Driving Accident Lands 24-Year-Old behind Bars

Authorities arrested a 24-year-old man after he drove his SUV head-on into a tree on San Carlos Boulevard last week, according to NBC 2. Officers conducted a field sobriety test on the driver and concluded that he had a blood alcohol content level or .167 — more than twice the…


Still Allowing Distracted Driving Accidents in Florida – One of the Last States to Regulate Cell Phone Use by Drivers

Florida is one of the few states left that has no law prohibiting or restricting drivers, of any age, from using a cell phone or from using text-messaging devices. That’s right. Florida drivers are free to engage in a number of distractions while operating a motor vehicle on our roadways.…


All FHP Officers Will be Patrolling our Roadway this Fourth of July Weekend to Prevent Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere

Drive safely and abide by all traffic laws this weekend because the Florida Highway Patrol will be out in full force during the long weekend in an effort to reduce the number of car accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere throughout the state. The holiday weekend officially begins this afternoon…

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