
Articles Posted in Child Safety


Drowning Risks Highlighted this Fall in Southwest Florida

The Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition is urging Southwest Florida residents to stay safe in the water as we head into the fall and winter tourism seasons. Our Cape Coral injury attorneys wrote recently about the risks of swimming pool accidents. But boaters, too, are at risk and beachgoers may…


Kids & Hot Cars and Your Risk for Injury in Southwest Florida

Safe Kids Worldwide and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently joined forces to help to keep kids out of hot cars. The campaign, “Where’s baby? Look before you lock.,” focuses on raising awareness in parents, guardians and childcare providers about the risks associated with leaving kids in the…


Heatstroke-Related Child Injuries in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Likely with Summer Heat

Kids are left in hot cars every day. Many times, they’re accidentally left in cars by a parent. In other cases, daycare centers, babysitters and other caregivers have left children behind, with serious or fatal results. More than 30 kids were killed when they were left inside a hot car…


Lead and Phthalates a Toy Hazard Concern for Holiday Shoppers in Sebring, Fort Myers and Elsewhere

In preparation for the upcoming holidays and toy shopping for your little ones, our Sebring defective product attorneys want to remind parents and gift buyers that there are millions of toys on the market, but some are quite dangerous and cause hazards for your children. Manufacturers, shippers and retailers have…


Parents Urged to Watch Over Little Ones to Help Prevent Pedestrian Accidents in Fort Myers

As we recently reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, a 15-year-old female pedestrian was killed as she and two of her friends attempted to cross Pondella Road in Cape Coral. Luckily, two of the teens made it across the street safely. One wasn’t so fortunate. We continue to discuss…


Our Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyers Wish You a Safe and Happy Halloween!

You child is four times as likely to be involved in a car-pedestrian accident in Cape Coral on Halloween night than during any other night of the year, according to ABC7. Our Cape Coral child injury attorneys would also like to warn parents about other Halloween-related injuries that your child…

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