
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Protecting Pedestrians: NHTSA Asking for Louder Vehicles

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Department of Highway Safety (NHTSA) is looking to make a little more noise on our roadways. Officials are asking that electric and hybrid vehicles meet minimum sound requirements to help pedestrians and bicyclists hear them more easily. Ray LaHood with the Department of Transportation…


Driver Fault Cited in Vast Majority of Southwest Florida Traffic Crashes

Last year, officials with the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) responded to close to 2,000 car crashes. According to The News-Press, dozens of those were fatal. Overall, the number of traffic accidents was down about 20 percent from the previous year. But these are only the numbers from the Highway Patrol.…


Florida Distracted-Driving Proposal Introduced for 2013 Legislative Session

Think you can handle texting behind the wheel? Consider this: You’re heading down Interstate 75 and you’re traveling the speed limit, at 70 miles per hour. You get a text message. No problem. Just a quick response will do. The average text message takes a driver’s eyes off of the…


New Safety Ratings Proving Cars Not So Safe

America’s most popular car isn’t doing so well in the latest crash safety tests. The tests were conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and discovered that Toyota Camry didn’t perform well in certain frontal crash tests. There were 18 models of vehicles, including the Ford Fusion, the…


Dangerous Naples Intersection Gets New Crossing Technology

Safety officials are looking into a new traffic system to help to prevent pedestrian accidents at a busy intersection in Naples. Bicyclists and pedestrians who cross Weeks and Bayshore Avenue are at some serious risks for accidents and injuries as many drivers fail to stop at the crosswalks. City officials…


Transportation Officials Look to Tighten Motorcycle Regulations

According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the cost of motorcycle accidents was about $16 billion in 2010. Some officials say it’s even higher than that because there are some costs that are tough to factor in, like long-term medical care. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…

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