
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Defective Products in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Threatening Child Over Summer Break

Summer is here and kids of all ages are being released from school. Many of our young students are getting to spend a little more time at home because of it. With kids home more often, parents are urged to review some of the latest safety recalls from the U.S.…


Dog Bite Claims in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Cost Insurance Companies Nearly $500M in 2011

Our Fort Myers dog bite injury attorneys understand that more than 4.5 million people are bitten by a dog each year. More than half of these dog bite victims are in fact children. The second leading group of victims is Postal Service workers. Of all of the victims, nearly 1…


Bicycle Accident in Naples with Country Truck, Cyclist Ticketed

After a recent accident in Naples, involving a bicyclist and a Collier County work truck, the bicyclist involved has been ticketed, according to WINK News. The accident happened on U.S. 41 and Vanderbilt Beach Road and left the bicyclist pinned under the work truck until emergency response officials arrived. Officials…


Two Motorcycle Accidents in Fort Myers in One Evening

As our Fort Myers accident lawyers recently discussed, the entire month of May is used to raise awareness about motorcyclists on our roadways. It’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). During this time, drivers are asked to be more cautious. Up north, riders…


Speed-Related Car Accident in North Fort Myers Sends Three to Hospital

Three people were seriously injured in a multi-vehicle car accident in North Fort Myers. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) reports that a 34-year-old driver was heading east on Littleton Road when he attempted to cross over US-41 at a high rate of speed. When crossing over the highway, his car…

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