
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Motorcycle Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere in Florida: A Year Round Concern

The Fort Myers motorcycle accident attorneys at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, are taking a comprehensive look at motorcycle safety as we head into the the heart of Spring Break and the summer riding season. We’d like to discuss some of the previous years’ statistics and…


A Year Round Concern: Motorcycle Accidents in Sebring

Our Sebring motorcycle accident attorneys have been talking about the risks associated with summer riding in Florida. Did you know that most motorcycle accidents happen in the month of March, April and May? This is because that’s in the middle of Spring Break and the summer riding season. We’re in…


New HOS Rule to Reduce Risks of Trucking Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere

A final rule to help fight driver fatigue and trucking accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere was recently announced by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), Ray LaHood. The new rule was enacted after a number of studies were conducted into the dangers of fatigued driving and…


Child Injury in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Headed Off by Informed Consumers

Our Naples injury attorneys like to keep our neighbors informed about the latest recalls from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Staying in the know with this kind of information can help you to protect your family. Oftentimes, common household items and children’s toys can pose some serious risks…


Victims of Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Bonita Springs and Elsewhere Assisted by MADD and VOCA Funds

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) recently expressed its gratitude to the U.S. Senate and its passing of Move Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21). This program helps to increase roadway safety and looks to reduce the risks of alcohol-related car accidents in Bonita Springs and elsewhere. Within the…


Spring Break and Skyrocketing Risks for Injury on Fort Myers Beach

Recently, a 67-year-old woman was killed in a Fort Myers Beach pedestrian accident. It happened on a Friday night when the pedestrian attempted to cross Estero Boulevard on Fort Myers Beach. She was crossing the street with her family when the accident happened. The driver involved in the accident says…


Motorcycle Accidents in Florida a risk During Daytona Bike Week

As we recently reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, Daytona Beach Bike Week 2012 is taking place this month. During this time, we can expect thousands of motorcyclists to be on roadways across the state, requiring heightened awareness from motorists of all kinds. One of the most important aspects…


Red-Light Cameras & Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Naples a Hot Topic of Debate

A four-car accident in Fort Myers at the foot of the Caloosahatchee Bridge sent three victims to Lee Memorial Hospital. What’s most alarming about this accident is that it was completely preventable. After a sedan ran a red light, an SUV was T-boned. After those two vehicles slammed into each…


Injuries to Children in Fort Myers and Elsewhere Likely without Rear-View Cameras

Blind spots are getting bigger and bigger in our cars, trucks and SUVs as consumers demand for more fuel efficient vehicles. With better gas mileage come more aerodynamic vehicles. Unfortunately, we may not be getting rear-view cameras in new-model cars as soon as we thought. Recently, the National Highway Traffic…

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