A recent pedestrian accident in Cape Coral took the life of a 15-year-old girl. Taylor Palmer and two friends were crossing Pondella Road just before 8:00 a.m. The young girl was transported to Cape Coral Hospital and died just a few hours later, according to the Cape Coral Daily Breeze.…
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog
Officials Looking into Banning Sign Shakers to Help Prevent Distraction-Related Car Accidents in Cape Coral
A recent car accident in North Naples landed a 27-year-old driver in jail on a $500,000 bail after allegedly hitting and killing a roadside sign holder and then fleeing the scene, according to Marco News. In addition to the charge of failing to remain at the scene of a fatal…
‘Heads-Up Driving Week’ Comes to Florida to Help Prevent Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere
Distracted driving-related car accidents in Fort Myers are a hot topic among residents, law enforcement and government officials in our area. There’s even a Stop Distracted Driving Facebook page for the city of Fort Myers. Even with all of this awareness about this dangerous driving behavior, we still see about…
Car Accidents in Florida Rank as Number One Cause for Work-Related Fatalities
Car accidents in Florida were the number one cause of death for on-the-job fatalities in both 2009 and 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 2010, Florida experienced more than 200 work fatalities, nearly half of which were caused by work-related traffic accidents. To help combat this problem,…
Lee County Proudly Supports International Walk to School Day to Raise Awareness about Pedestrian Accidents in Fort Myers
October 5th is International Walk to School Day and many schools in the area are joining the festivities to help raise awareness about child pedestrian accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere. This event started back in 1997 when the Partnership for a Walkable America sponsored the first National Walk Our…
Pedestrian Accidents in Florida Continue to Concern Fort Myers Accident Lawyers
Our Fort Myers car accident attorneys thought you might be interested in the 2010 Florida Traffic Crash Statistics Report, recently released by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. One of the more alarming statistics cited in the report are the increased number of pedestrian deaths, which rose…
Inexperienced Passengers on Motorcycles at Risk of Serious Injury When Involved in a Naples Motorcycle Accident
Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Executive Director Julie Jones has announced that motorcyclist and passenger deaths declined between 2009 and 2010 by 4.7 percent. This information is contained in the 2010 Florida Traffic Crash Statistics Report, released in August. Our Fort Myers motorcycle accident attorneys point out…
Drunk Driving Accidents a Concern in Lee County, Averaging More than One a Day in 2010
In the news recently is the pending sentence that will be handed to a civic leader and former attorney after pleading guilty to a drunk-driving accident that killed a 61-year-old motorcyclist in October 2009. 13 News reports a tape was played during the sentencing hearing that voiced the drunk driver…
NOYS’ 2011 Summit to Help Reduce Risks of Teen Car Accident in Cape Coral, Fort Myers
The 2011 Distracted Driving Summit will be held this year on October 17th in Washington D.C.. This is an important event that helps to reduce the risks of car accidents in Lee County and elsewhere. This year’s event is being put on by the National Organizations for Youth Safety (NOYS)…
Toyota Studies Top Causes for Senior and Teen Car Accidents in Fort Myers, Nation
Newly-licensed drivers typically think they’ve got the whole driving thing down pat. According to a recent study, more than 90 percent of young drivers believe that their driving abilities are better than a majority of other drivers. Problem with that is that it’s not true! Psychologists say they have “illusive…