
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Teen Driver Tests Back Online in Florida – Officials Worries about Cheating

About a year ago, authorities nixed the statewide system that allowed teens to take their learner-permit driving exam online. Well, the tests are to be back online in an attempt to appeal to the keyboarding generation, to provide more convenience to the customer and to reduce the wait at some…


New Vehicle Technology — Contributing to Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere?

Not only are Florida drivers able to use their cell phones while operating a motor vehicle, but they can also shuffle through their iPod play lists, surf the internet, send text messages and find their destinations without ever taking their eyes off the road. Although our driver’s eyes may still…


NTSB: Private Pilots at too High a Risk of General Aviation Accidents in Florida

Thankfully, the United States has not witnessed a fatal large commercial aviation accident since 2009. Unfortunately, the rest of the aviation world has not been so blessed General aviation accidents in Florida and elsewhere took the lives of nearly 500 people in 2010. Thousands more were injured in these accidents.…


San Carlos Drunk Driving Accident Lands 24-Year-Old behind Bars

Authorities arrested a 24-year-old man after he drove his SUV head-on into a tree on San Carlos Boulevard last week, according to NBC 2. Officers conducted a field sobriety test on the driver and concluded that he had a blood alcohol content level or .167 — more than twice the…


NTSB’s Most Wanted List includes Motorcycle Accidents in Cape Coral, elsewhere

The National Transportation Safety Board has placed motorcyclists on its “most wanted” list. This is a list that aims to raise awareness about the dangers that these drivers face and to encourage safer driving habits by all to better protect them. The yearly number of motorcyclist deaths has doubled from…


Florida Parasailing Accident Kills South Carolina Tourist

A tourist died recently after a parasailing accident in Longboat Key. The 31-year-old- from South Carolina was harnessed by an 800 foot rope to the parasailing boat, Almost Heaven, when the boat lost power, according to Florida Wires. The Coast Guard reports that the tourist fell into the water, from…


Still Allowing Distracted Driving Accidents in Florida – One of the Last States to Regulate Cell Phone Use by Drivers

Florida is one of the few states left that has no law prohibiting or restricting drivers, of any age, from using a cell phone or from using text-messaging devices. That’s right. Florida drivers are free to engage in a number of distractions while operating a motor vehicle on our roadways.…


Fort Myers Defective Products, Premise Liability Issues a Holiday Weekend Danger

Defective products in Fort Myers create substantial hazards for consumers. Holiday weekends can be a particularly dangerous time for both defective product injuries and premise liability injuries in Fort Myers and elsewhere in South Florida. Our Fort Myers accident lawyers encourage you to check with the Consumer Product Safety Commission…


Fireworks Accidents One Common Cause of Burn Injuries in Fort Myers

Burn injuries in Fort Myers and elsewhere in South Florida are among the most painful and medically complex catastrophic injuries a law firm can handle. Fireworks accidents in Fort Myers are just one cause. The Florida Department of Health reports children and teenagers are the most likely victims. In fact,…

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