
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


All FHP Officers Will be Patrolling our Roadway this Fourth of July Weekend to Prevent Car Accidents in Fort Myers and Elsewhere

Drive safely and abide by all traffic laws this weekend because the Florida Highway Patrol will be out in full force during the long weekend in an effort to reduce the number of car accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere throughout the state. The holiday weekend officially begins this afternoon…


Stay Safe on the Water This Fourth of July By Avoiding Boating Accidents in Southwest Florida

Nearly year-round in Southwest Florida, boaters take to the waters to enjoy fishing, swimming or just to get out on the Gulf of Mexico or Caloosahatchee River. But with Fourth of July fast approaching, it’s likely that more boaters will be out and Fort Myers Personal Injury Lawyers encourage everyone…


Teen Drivers Likely to be involved in a Motor-Vehicle Accident with a Truck in Fort Myers and Elsewhere This Summer

Teen drivers recently met at our Nation’s Capital to focus on the importance of safe driving habits during the summer months, especially when sharing our roadways with large trucks. Teens were involved in an interactive event to discuss the risks and consequences of a serious car accident in Fort Myers…


Teen Killed by Distracted Driver in Naples

Everyone thinks they know how dangerous texing while driving is, but do you know just how deadly it can really be? Ask a Naples woman who recently lost her pregnant daughter because of a distracted-driving accident, according to WINK News. Now, to increase awareness of this dangerous habit, drivers are…


Older Residents More Likely to Die from a Fall Accident in Fort Myers

The National Safety Council uses the month of June every year to recognize National Safety Month. This entire month focuses its efforts on reducing the risks of unintentional injuries in Fort Myers and elsewhere. The most recent focus of this month’s safety efforts was the causes and consequences of slips,…


Sunshine State Ranks in Bottom for National Drivers Test Scores

The results are in. According to the GMAC Insurance National Drivers Test, Florida has some of the worst drivers in the United States. Florida ranked 37th out of the 50 states for knowledgeable drivers. The Sunshine State had an average test score of 76.5 percent. This means that nearly 20…


DOT Warns Motorists of Under-Inflated Tires Causing Car Accidents in Naples and Elsewhere

As you know, judging by the heat and the humidity, the summer is officially here. Unfortunately, so is the increased risk of a tire-related car accident in Fort Myers, Naples and elsewhere throughout the state. According to a U.S. Department of Transportation consumer advisory, this is the time for you…


SUVs Among the Safest Vehicles in Fort Myers Car Accidents

Once thought to be prone to deadly rollover accidents in Fort Myers and elsewhere, SUVs are now among some of the safest vehicles on our roadways, according to USA Today. A recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that newer SUVs are much safer than smaller cars…


Pool Safely Campaign Aimed at Reducing Submersion and Drowning Accidents in Fort Myers

Pool owners have a responsibility to maintain their pools and ensure a safe environment for anyone who uses them as we all work to reduce the risk of swimming pool accidents in Cape Coral and Fort Myers this summer. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) reports that through the…

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