
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Senior driving safety an important issue in reducing risk of Fort Myers car accidents

South Florida is likely to be on the front lines in dealing with the huge increase in the number of senior drivers as the Baby Boomers hit the road to retirement. Our Fort Myers accident attorneys frequently report on the dangers faced by teenage drivers. But the Washington Post reports…


Cape Coral school crossing debate is senseless; improved safety reduces risk of pedestrian and bicycle accidents

As the school year begins, we encourage Cape Coral and county officials to act quickly in installing school zone lights at Trafalgar Parkway and Skyline Boulevard. The Lee County School District reports that about 2,000 students attend Trafalgar elementary and Trafalgar middle school. Skyline Boulevard is one of the city’s…


School year begins; use caution in avoiding school bus accidents in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Port Charlotte

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced this week that all new motor coaches will be required to have seat belts to prevent ejection in the event of a rollover accident. That’s good news unless your child rides a school bus — existing buses and new school buses are exempt from…


Back to school puts emphasis on teen driving safety in South Florida

The Fort Myers injury attorneys and staff at Associates & Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, urge parents to speak with their children about the dangers of distracted driving as teenagers begin returning to school this week. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers ages 15…


Medical bills often a huge headache after a South Florida injury accident

The New York Times recently reported the case of a mother who was shocked to learn her son racked up a $5,398 emergency room bill for a cut chin after slipping and falling in the bathroom. Medical bills in the wake of a serious injury accident can be astronomical. Errors…


Florida permits faster heavier trucks – more semi accidents a certainty

Lawmakers ignored the wishes of motorists and safety advocates this summer in passing a law that permits some of the heaviest semis in the nation to roll down Florida highways. Only Idaho, Maine, Washington and North Dakota permit heavier trucks. Nationwide, nearly every state limits the weight of a semi…


Fewer Lee County motorcycle accidents welcome news after decade of rising crash rates

Our Fort Myers motorcycle accident lawyers welcome the news that the number of Florida motorcycle accidents decreased last year, after increasing each year for more than a decade. The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports the number of fatal accidents plunged 25 percent, from 532 in 2008…


Cape Coral among the most dangerous areas in Florida for drunk driving accidents

A recent report in the Fort Myers News-Press revealed that Cape Coral has the third-highest rate of drunk driving accidents of any major city in Florida. The news comes as the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles releases accident data for 2009. The statistics show a record drop…

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