
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Are You Really Safe?: Injuries can occur without proper security measures

Whether you’re at work, shopping at the mall or enjoying a movie at the local theater, your expectations are that you will be in a safe environment, properly protected by the property owner’s security and safety precautions. Yet, oftentimes a commercial business owner, landlord, educational facility or sporting event venue…


Safe Seniors: Help for Staying Sharp Behind the Wheel

It’s no surprise that Florida’s roadways are home to a large number of drivers in the senior citizen age bracket. Our population of older residents swells dramatically with the onset of “snowbird” season, and our traffic increase clearly illustrates how older drivers become much more prevalent than in the quieter…


Fundraiser for the March of Dimes Bikers for Babies

Sunsports Cycle and Watercraft, in association with Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner hosts Bike Night this Saturday, October 24th from 6pm until 10pm. Sunsports Cycle and Watercraft is located at 3441 Colonial Boulevard in Fort Myers. All bikers are welcome. Organized as a fundraiser for the March of Dimes Bikers…


Local Waterways See Dramatic Increase in Recreational Boaters During Season

Safety at Sea Can Prevent a Serious Accident Just as our area roadways experience more traffic with the onset of the annual tourist season, so do our waterways. Recreational boaters increase dramatically as part-time residents and visitors from around the world descend on Southwest Florida, and enjoy its ideal waterfront…


Golf Course Emergency: Precious Minutes Could Make the Difference

Everyone knows that if a heart attack or other life-threatening medical emergency strikes, the difference between life and death can be mere moments. In most cases, emergency first responders can access the scene quickly and easily, thanks to advances in technology, global positioning system (GPS) units and advanced training. But,…

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