
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Man Killed in Fort Myers Motorcycle Accident After Driver Violated Right-of-Way

When motorcycles and other vehicles collide, it’s usually because the other driver violated the motorcyclist’s right-of-way. It’s a fact well-established by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and backed by other research. We saw this scenario play out again recently right here in Fort Myers, with the tragic death of…


Injury Claims Stemming from Sexual Assault in Florida

Uber is back in the news — this time after more than 100 drivers are accused of sexually assaulting and abusing customers. Earlier this year on our Florida Injury Lawyer blog we examined the increasing number of personal injury cases resulting from traffic collisions involving ride-sharing services. Now, a CNN…


Two Killed in Naples Construction Accident after Elevator Collapses

The death of two construction workers in Naples last week is a stark reminder of the risks and consequences of Southwest Florida’s building boom. The men were installing a temporary elevator shaft on a Gulf Shore Boulevard high-rise when the scaffolding crumbled beneath them. Naples police report the men fell…


Training and Experience Keys to Safe Motorcycle Riding in SWFL

The motorcycle accident lawyers at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner have built a solid reputation in the Southwest Florida riding community through more than 4 decades of courtroom and community advocacy for the rights of riders and their families. We know most motorcycle accidents involving other vehicles are the fault of the…


Motorists Commonly Found Liable in Southwest Florida Motorcycle Accidents

The safety of motorcycle riders is often in the hands of other motorists. Blaming riders — assuming most injured riders were acting in a reckless or unsafe manner — only assures that you are at increased risk of causing a serious or fatal accident. The statistics speak plain truth and…


Southwest Florida Car Accidents: When are You Most at Risk?

You should be paying better attention during afternoon rush hour. The News-Press used Metropolitan Planning Organization data to determine the afternoon commute is likely the most dangerous part of your day, and certainly the deadliest time of day on Southwest Florida roads.  The news came as a surprise to some,…


Fatal Underride Collision on Daniels Parkway

A recent traffic death on Daniels Parkway illustrates the growing danger of rear-end underride accidents in Southwest Florida. A 31-year-old Fort Myers man was killed when his Volkswagen slammed into the rear of a stopped dump truck at the intersection of Daniels Parkway and Plantation Drive, according to The News-Press.…


Dangerous Intersections a Real Risk in Southwest Florida

Residents in one Fort Myers neighborhood are blaming lack of a traffic signal for a high rate of intersection accidents. FOX4 reports residents contend the intersection of Winkler Avenue and Aldermans Walk Boulevard needs a traffic light, but only has a stop sign.  Speeding is also an issue but residents…

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