
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Premises Liability Case Involving Injury to Young Boy Will Proceed, Court Rules

In Florida, property owners are generally liable for dangerous conditions that are not obvious and cause harm to those who are lawfully present. There are varying degrees of a property owner’s responsibility in this area of law – known as premises liability – depending on the status of the individual…


Court Allows Evidence of Impairment in Pedestrian Accident Case

Pedestrian accidents occur when a person on foot, walking, running, jogging, hiking, sitting or lying down is involved in a traffic crash. That’s per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), which reports there were nearly 5,400 fatal pedestrian accidents and 70,000 injuries just in 2015 alone. In civil liability…


Florida Supreme Court: Stand Your Ground Immunity in Criminal Case Does Not Confer to Civil Liability Immunity

In a legal battle stemming from a barroom brawl in South Florida, the Florida Supreme Court marked a clear line between using the state’s “stand your ground” self-defense statute in criminal cases versus in civil trials. The court ruled that while state law does allow stand your ground immunity in…


Federal Appeals Court Affirms Punitive Damage Award for Nursing Home Abuse

A federal appellate court has affirmed a $1.2 million damage award to plaintiffs whose mother was abused by two certified nursing assistant while she was a patient in a nursing home. That damage award included $10,000 in punitive damages, which are awarded in injury and wrongful death cases involving intentional…


School Board, Teacher, Face Florida Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Teen’s Suicide

In most Florida wrongful death lawsuits, it’s often a simple matter to link defendant (the person alleged to be legally at-fault) with the conduct that resulted in death. For example: A drunk driver swerves off the road and slams into a tree, killing a passenger. The defendant’s negligent conduct caused…


Punitive Damages Are Not a Given in Florida, Even Where Liability is Found

Two recent Florida court cases have affirmed punitive damages awarded in product liability litigation. One of those involved a $12.3 million punitive damage award against a tobacco company in a smoking-related death (that was a decision by the 2nd District Court of Appeal) and another involves $22.5 million punitive damage…


Determining the Number of Accidents in an Injury Case

Most auto insurance policies impose per-person or per-accident limitations. This is typically a pretty straightforward issue. However, a dispute about how many “accidents” occurred can leave a big question mark as to how much claimants are entitled to receive.  In a recent bicycle accident injury case before the Wyoming Supreme…


Court: Bankruptcy Of Negligent Driver Doesn’t Absolve UIM Insurer of Liability

The bankruptcy of a negligent driver who caused injury to a husband and wife may prevent plaintiffs from actually seeking damages against the defendant, but it doesn’t shield the auto insurer from having to pay out. That was the ruling of the Alabama Supreme Court in a recent case involving…


Award of Attorney Fees After Rejected Settlement in Injury Lawsuit

Your personal injury attorney must carefully consider any offer of pre-trial settlement by the defense in a civil case to better your chances you won’t run afoul of F.S. 768.79 at the conclusion of trial. The very first section of this statute stipulates that if a defendant files an offer…


Hurricane Irma Power Loss Spurs Florida Nursing Home Lawsuits

It was to be expected following one of the biggest and most powerful storms in Florida’s history that those who stayed would be grappling with some degree of power loss in the immediate aftermath. However, one could also reasonably assume that health care providers – including nursing homes responsible for…

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