
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Explaining the Concept of “Negligence” in Florida Personal Injury Cases

There are three basic types of civil liability (legal responsibility) in Florida personal injury cases: Negligence Intentional Torts Strict Liability Intentional torts are those that involve actions like assault and battery – some kind of intentional action that caused physical harm to someone else. Strict liability most typically arises in…


Post-Irma Roads Nearly as Dangerous as the Storm

Floridians have unfortunately long been notorious for being bad drivers – and that’s with a network of operational traffic lights, upright trees and a system of active police patrols.  But after the extremely powerful Hurricane Irma walloped the state earlier this month, there were downed traffic lights, trees, power lines…


Fatal Bedsore Prompts Nursing Home Lawsuit

An elderly woman reportedly died after suffering a serious and painful bedsore while in the care of a physician at a nursing home in New Jersey. Media reports are the family of the 90-year-old woman died approximately three months after being admitted to the nursing home with a fractured hip. …


Hurricane Evacuee Dies in Hit-and-Run Crash

As historic Hurricane Irma came barreling toward Southwest Florida, many residents hurried to leave the state. Some were under mandatory evacuation by local and state officials fearing unprecedented and dangerous storm surge. Others were afraid to live for days or weeks without water or power.  All of this led to…


Naples DUI Death, Injuries Results in Criminal Conviction

Many South Florida DUI injury and death cases handled by our dedicated personal injury lawyers occur simultaneously with a pending criminal matter. The two processes are totally separate, and generally do not impact the other.  The purpose of a civil trial is to make whole (to the extent possible) the…


Florida Wrongful Death Statute of Limitations Must be Met

When personal injury or wrongful death is caused by the reckless or careless actions of another, a negligence action may allow those affected to recover damages. However, plaintiffs (those who were wronged) need to pay careful attention to the statute of limitations in their case. That means knowing exactly what…


Florida Pedestrian Accident Kills 3-Year-Old Girl

A 3-year-old girl was recently killed in a South Florida pedestrian accident while walking with her mother as they returned from dropping her older brother off at the bus stop.  According to The Press Republican, the girl, her mother and a neighbor were walking at the intersection of Hampton Meadow…


Cooperation With Auto Insurer Paramount to Approval of Claims

If you are involved in an auto accident in Florida, it’s important to contact an attorney before you give any more than basic information to your auto insurer. Your attorney can negotiate the claim on your behalf. A lawyer can also advise you of your obligations as an insured –…


8th Circuit: Designated Driver Not Held to Higher Standard of Care

All drivers are required to use reasonable care in protecting passengers as well as other motorists from foreseeable harm. That means operating the vehicle in a reasonably safe manner. Some drivers may have a heightened duty of care. Primarily, these include common carriers, such as bus drivers. It does not,…


8th DCA Reinstates $1M Jury Verdict Favoring Car Accident Victim

We trust the vehicles in which we rely on daily to be properly tested for safety. Unfortunately, too many auto manufacturers and makers of auto parts fail to adequately test these machines. When they fail or there is a vehicle defect, the consequences can be catastrophic personal injuries.  Recently, the…

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