
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Holiday Motor Corp. v. Walters – Product Liability in Convertible Rollover

The Virginia Supreme Court reversed a $20 million product liability verdict favoring a woman seriously injured when her Mazda convertible rolled over. Justices ruled trial court abused discretion in allowing plaintiff’s expert witness to testify, and further, defendant manufacturer had no legally recognized duty to design or supply a soft top…


Bicycle Helmet Recalls Highlight Head Injury Risk

When you purchase a bicycle helmet, you are making a commitment to safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports 818 bicyclists died on U.S. roads last year – an increase of more than 12 percent – the highest uptick since 1995. Another 45,000 were injured. Research from the…


Burger King Corp. v. Lastre-Torres – Third-Party Liability for Work Injury

Florida’s 3rd District Court of Appeal affirmed a recent judgement in favor of an injured worker who prevailed in a third-party lawsuit against a large fast-food chain after suffering an eye injury while cleaning equipment in the restaurant. While normally work-related injury claims would fall strictly under the purview of…


Vicarious Liability of Vehicle Owner May Be Asserted in Florida Car Accident Lawsuit

Headlines recently centered on a pregnant reality television personality who is being sued in connection with a car accident – despite the fact that she was nowhere near the scene when it happened.  Blac Chyna has been named in a personal injury lawsuit that seeks damages for medical expenses, lost…


Florida Supreme Court to Weigh Expert Witness Standards

The Florida Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments on whether to revert to an older, less rigid system of vetting expert witnesses, or to keep the newer, higher standard imposed by state legislators three years ago.  The former is known as the Frye standard, while the latter is the Daubert…


Do Cameras on Cyclists Make Roads Safer?

Bicycle accidents and aggression against cyclists by motor vehicle drives are nothing new on Florida roads, though there has been some increase for the simple fact more people are riding. However, there is one element that has dramatically shifted the dynamic of these encounters: Cameras. An increasing number of bicyclists…


Trucker Sentenced to 20 Years Prison for School Bus Crash That Injured Students

As we embark on another school year, transportation safety is at the forefront of parents’ minds as they send their kids off to school each day. The good news is, school buses are one of the safest modes of travel for young people. However, that does not mean there is…


CDC: U.S. Must Do Better to Reduce Motor Vehicle Deaths

In its most recent CDC Vital Signs update, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that while the reduction of motor vehicle deaths over the last 50 years was one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th Century, we’ve still got a long way to go. …


Boy Disfigured in Dog Bite Attack Awarded $1.4M

A boy in Connecticut was just 13 when he suffered severe and disfiguring injuries when a Labrador retriever allegedly attacked him without provocation three years ago while he was visiting a friend. Today, at 16, he has endured 10 surgeries and will likely need to undergo at least two more.…


School Injury Lawsuit Alleges Negligence in 5-Year-Old’s Fall

An elementary school student’s mother has filed a lawsuit against a Connecticut school district, alleging that last school year, her 5-year-old daughter was seriously and permanently injured in a playground fall.  The child was running from the playground to the school building when she fell, hitting her stomach on the…

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