
Florida Injury Lawyer Blog


Wheels of Safety Go Round and Round

Love them or hate them, the roundabout is here to stay. An increasing number of communities in Southwest Florida are incorporating roundabouts into their master plan, even as municipalities consider installing the traffic-calming features, which have long been standard in much of Europe. Even historic McGregor Boulevard may get a…


Super Bowl Safety: Celebrate Responsibly

Drunk drivers are responsible for nearly one-third of the nation’s fatal traffic collisions, claiming more than 10,000 lives each year. Super Bowl LVI, between the Cincinnati Bengals and Los Angeles Rams, falls later in February this year and will be quickly followed by the start of Spring Break in Southwest…


Defensive Driving Reduces Car Accident Risks

When it comes to staying safe on the roads, the old adage holds true: The best offense is a good defense. Our car accident attorneys in Fort Myers and Cape Coral have posted extensively about the three most common dangerous driving behaviors: Distracted driving, aggressive driving and impaired driving. Southwest…


Safety Ratings Vital When Choosing New Vehicle

An overlooked but critical component of your safety on the road is what type of vehicle you are in. If buying a newer vehicle is in your 2022 plans, our car accident attorneys in Fort Myers and Cape Coral urge you to make safety ratings a critical part of your…


Stay Safe This Holiday Travel Season

If statistics from Thanksgiving are any indication, one thing seems certain this holiday season: Not even a pandemic will stop many from visiting friends and loved ones this year. After two years of Covid quarantines, many have been reluctant to cancel plans, despite the recent emergence of the omnicron variant.…


Older Drivers and Older Cars a Dangerous Combination

Recently, our injury lawyers in Fort Myers urged you to Check on Elderly Loved Ones this holiday season. While loneliness and isolation are a struggle for many seniors, the coronavirus pandemic has increased isolation of many of our vulnerable older loved ones. But it might also be a good time…


Be a Responsible Party Host this Holiday Season

Those serving alcohol this holiday season have an obligation to do so responsibly. Drinking and driving kills 28 people a day in the U.S. More than 1 person an hour die in an alcohol-related crash, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Drunk drivers kill 10,000 people a year,…


Preventing Holiday Drunk Driving Tragedies is YOUR Responsibility

More than 50 years of fighting for the rights of the injured in Southwest Florida have taught us one sobering lesson above all others: Irresponsibility with alcohol destroys lives. Start your 2022 resolutions early this year by resolving to be responsible with alcohol this holiday season. If you think that…

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