Articles Posted in drunk driving injury


DUI Injury in SWFL: Marijuana, Opioids, Increase Road Risks

While the Super Bowl is behind us, we have entered the height of tourist season. Winter residents and visitors will be followed by spring breakers and the start of spring training for the Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins. Southwest Florida’s role as a vacation destination substantially increases the risk…


Insurer Liable for $200k Medical Bill After Drunk Driving Crash

A life insurance company has been ordered by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to pay a $200,000 medical bill for an insured who reportedly crashed his dirt bike while under the influence of alcohol. The life insurance carrier outright denied claimant’s bid for benefits, citing policy…


Naples DUI Death, Injuries Results in Criminal Conviction

Many South Florida DUI injury and death cases handled by our dedicated personal injury lawyers occur simultaneously with a pending criminal matter. The two processes are totally separate, and generally do not impact the other.  The purpose of a civil trial is to make whole (to the extent possible) the…


Florida Dram Shop Law Limited to Small Number of Injury/ Wrongful Death Cases

A man in New Jersey is suing two bars he alleged served him alcohol in the hours before he was involved in a single-vehicle motorcycle accident in which he was seriously injured. According to news reports, the 28-year-old plaintiff alleges he was downing Tequila at two local bars, and left both…


Florida DUI Ignition Interlock Bill Gets State House Committee Approval

A bill that would require all those convicted of DUI in Florida – including first timers – to have ignition interlock devices installed has successfully made it through its first hurdle in the state House of Representatives. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee approved House Bill 949 by a unanimous vote of…


Surviving Victims of Violent DUI Crash in Florida Settle for $1.35M

The Daily Business Review reports a $1.35 million settlement has been reached to compensate surviving victims of a fatal DUI crash in South Florida involving a drunk driver who had no insurance. Victims were a driver in his 70s, a backseat passenger in her 70s and a front seat passenger…

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