
Articles Posted in personal injury


SWFL Road Risks at Record Highs

Collision risks on the roads of Southwest Florida were at record highs in 2022. While the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is projecting a slight decline in traffic deaths nationwide last year, as well as a slight decrease in Florida, the same cannot be said for Southwest Florida. While the…


Motorcycle Rider Safety in Focus

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, we know most motorcycle riders keep safety at the forefront of everything they do. Getting out and enjoying their hobby, and making it home safely to their families, is all they ask. The vast majority of collisions with vehicles are…


Motorcycles Hitting the Roads in SWFL

Visiting motorists and tourists are often surprised to learn that we are entering the height of motorcycle riding season in Southwest Florida. Veteran motorists in Lee, Collier, and Charlotte counties can also benefit from frequently reminding themselves to watch for riders this time of year. Plenty of riders hit the…


Hidden Holiday Risk: Dangerous and Defective Products

We bring more “stuff” into our homes throughout the long holiday season than at any other time of the year. Holiday decorations. Small appliances. Gifts. Clothing. Toys. Electronics. While many of us make religious celebrations, time with loved ones, and volunteerism, a part of our holiday priorities, the consumerism is…


Happy New Year’s: Please Celebrate Responsibly

All of us at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner wish all of you a safe and enjoyable new year. Please celebrate responsibly and never drink and drive. For more than half a century, our drunk driving injury lawyers have fought for the rights of victims and families impacted by this…


Florida Scuba Diving Injuries in Focus

Florida is second only to Hawaii when it comes to scuba diving. The death of a well-known 36-year-old tech CEO in a diving accident along Hollywood Beach this month highlights the risk as Florida’s winter diving season gets underway.  Earlier this year the former owners of a scuba dive charter…


Protecting Yourself From Property Injuries in SWFL

As we work toward recovery from the historic damage caused by Hurricane Ian, it’s important for private property and business owners to understand their liability when it comes to preventing injury resulting from hazards on their property. Businesses are fighting for survival and working hard to get employees back to…


Motorcycle Safety a Year-Round Concern in SWFL

Riding is a year-round activity in Florida. While motorcycles are being stored for the winter throughout the northern parts of the country, motorists should expect to see them hitting the streets in large numbers here in Southwest Florida. In fact, winter is the busiest time for bikers in our area.…


After the Accident: Finding the Right Doctor

Anyone who has been in a car accident knows just how frightening the experience can be. When the peaceful thrum of the road is suddenly replaced by a violent jolt, squealing tires, and twisted metal, anyone who walks away unscathed is apt to feel relieved—and rightly so. Many collisions in…


Trucking Accident Risks on the Rise in South Florida

Motorists in 2022 are facing a perfect storm of factors that make collisions with semis and large commercial trucks more likely than ever before. This is a particularly critical safety issue because of the extreme risks faced by occupants of passenger vehicles, many of whom are seriously injured or killed…

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