
Articles Posted in slip-and-fall


Florida Costco Slip-and-Fall Falters for Failure to Prove Store’s Prior Knowledge of Spill

A Florida appellate court recently affirmed summary judgment favoring warehouse giant Costco in a slip-and-fall lawsuit filed by a woman who broke her knee after falling inside a Miami store. The primary reason the case failed was because, the court held, plaintiff had not produced evidence indicating that store staffers…


Beach Boardwalk Fall Case Goes to Trial

Some people go to the beach fearing only the small chance they’ll encounter a shark close to shore. In fact, there are a number of other more serious hazards on land.  That’s what one man found while visiting Myrtle Beach, SC. According to a local news report, the man was…


Pro Tennis Player Sues for Injuries in Slip-and-Fall

Athletes put their bodies through punishing routines in order to ready themselves for competitions. They know they must be in top physical shape in order to win. They may even expect to get hurt in the course of competing. But when an injury happens off the field or court, it…

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