Articles Posted in Car Accidents

We just passed the midpoint of the period known as the 100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers. Looking back at recent trends, and many as 600 people have likely been killed in mostly preventable accidents involving young drivers since Memorial Day. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), education is one of our best defenses against these kinds of accidents.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers understand that there are currently 2 million teens under the age of 18 in the U.S. who are currently experiencing their first year of driving. That’s more than the population of Houston! Each year, drivers who are under the age of 18 are involved in nearly 1 million motor-vehicle accidents. That’s close to 3,000 accidents on any given day. As a matter of fact, these drivers are more likely to be involved in a fatal accident that any other age group of drivers.

In a single year, close to 4,000 people were killed in teen driver-related motor-vehicle accidents. That’s enough people to fill more than 50 school buses. Luckily, there are moves we can make to help to reduce the risks of these kinds of accidents.

The first thing you can do (and your teen can do) is buckle up. Believe it or not, more than half of teens who were killed in these accidents were not wearing a seat belt at the time of collision.

And it’s also important that we keep an eye on these young drivers when the sun sets. Close to half of all accidents happen at night — most before midnight.

We also want to make sure that they’ve got their cell phones put away. Talking on these devices (event hands-free ones) increases all drivers’ risks for an accident by about 4 times. And texting is even worse — increasing the risks for accidents by about 8 times. With that being said, would you believe it if we told you that close to 70 percent of all teens text while driving? They’re setting themselves up for disaster. But not if we step in first.

So how can parents help?

-Make sure you’re providing them with at least a half hour of supervised driving time each and every week.

-Sit down with your teen and collaborate on a parent-teen driving contract to set up some home driving rules and regulations.

-Limit a teen’s nighttime driving.

-Never allow your teen to drive with too many passengers. The more passengers in the vehicle, the higher the risks are for an accident.

-Since we have no cell phone laws in the state of Florida until October, make sure your teen knows the dangers of talking/texting on a cell phone, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Make sure they keep that activity for when they’re safely stopped.
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Teen drivers are up against some serious dangers out there behind the wheel. We’re in the middle of some of the most dangerous times for them to be on our roadways. In fact, August has the dubious distinction of having 4 of the top 10 deadliest days of the year.
Our Lehigh Acres car accident lawyers understand that these newly-licensed drivers don’t always fully understand the risks associated with having the privilege to drive. Unfortunately, speed isn’t always noted as one of the most dangerous factors in these accidents, but it oftentimes is. We tend to spend time focusing on driving under the influence and distracted driving. But speeding is arguably even more critical, according to USA TODAY.

As a matter of fact, speeding is getting more and more common in accidents involving young drivers. In 2000, speeding was a factor in about 30 percent of these accidents whereas in 2011 it was a factor in close to 35 percent, according to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA).

In a study funded by State Farm, researchers concluded that there were close to 20,000 speed-related accidents involving teen drivers from 2000 to 2011.

“Speeding is something people aren’t particularly concerned about,” says Susan Ferguson, an established highway safety consultant who authored the report.

It’s time to change that. It’s time we spend a little more time focusing on our younger drivers to help make our roadways safer for all travelers.

Speed limits aren’t there to slow us down; they’re there to help make sure traffic flows efficiently and that drivers are safe. This is something that is critical for our teen drivers to know.

Young males are most likely to put the pedal to the metal. It’s also the teen drivers who have three or more passengers. Young drivers are also more likely to speed during nighttime hours.

This is where we’re asking for your help. Parents and guardians need to step in and step up. Talk with your teen today about the risks for accidents among newly-licensed drivers. Make sure they understand the risks of speeding (not only a ticketed citation, but the risks for a potentially fatal accident). Make sure there are driving rules within your household with clear consequences for violations.

As for distracted driving — hang up the phone. Teenagers beware: It is now against the law to text and drive in Florida, according to the Florida Sheriff’s Association.

It’s important to remember that car accidents are the number one cause of death for teens, and you have the ability to make a change. Start the safe driving talk today and help save lives on the road.
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When you see those flashing blue and red lights in your rearview mirror, you probably don’t get a good feeling. It usually means you’re up for a traffic ticket. But even worse than the ticket is the hike in your insurance rates.

Because with a ticket, insurance companies are going to see you as a higher-risk driver and will probably charge you more.

If you’re hit with a combination of some of the worst violations, including an accident or two, car insurance companies may even refuse to write you a policy, according to MSN Money.

Our Fort Myers accident lawyers understand that traffic tickets are kind of like your driving report card. Only you don’t want anything on this card. Your tickets are going to be matched (and even exceeded) by the cost of your insurance premiums. Some may violate road laws and get away clean, but the risk isn’t worth the gamble and the luck always runs out.

It’s tough to pinpoint just how much your rates are going to jump after a violation, as companies calculate costs differently.

But here are some of the worst violations, along with the estimated increase in your rates:

-Driving under the influence – 25 percent.

-Reckless driving – 15 to 20 percent.

-Speeding – 10 percent.

-Running a red light – 10 percent.

-Driving without a valid driver’s license – 10 percent.

“Driving is a privilege, not a right,” says Loretta Worters, spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute (IIHS).

And many of these violations are common in the state of Florida.

According to the Florida Department of Motor Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), there were close to 235,500 motor-vehicle accidents recorded by officials in the Sunshine State in 2010. Many of these accidents were the result of one of the dangerous driving behaviors listed above.

The truth of the matter is that road laws are not designed to slow you down and should not be treated as an inconvenience. They’re designed to help move traffic safely and efficiently. When these laws are ignored, the risks for an accident increase.

And we thus find ourselves at increased risk for injuries and fatalities. In 2010, there were close to 2,500 people killed and another 195,100 people injured on Florida roads. There were also close to 108,500 property damage-only accidents.

But it isn’t only drivers and other motorists who are getting hurt out there. It’s the bicyclists and the pedestrians who are feeling the wrath of dangerous driving and they’re at extremely high risk for serious injury or even death in the event of an accident.

Be a safer driver today, not only to reduce your risks of a serious accident but to also keep your insurance coverage affordable.
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Florida has one of the largest senior citizen populations in the nation. Fortunately, our state offers a variety of programs to assist older drivers and their families stay safe on the road and decide when it’s time to stop driving.

If you are one of the ones who continue to drive (and can do so safely), you’re urged to take an online course designed for YOU. With this course, you can even save 10 Percent on your Auto Insurance for 3 years.
Our Naples car accident lawyers understand that by the year 2020, Florida’s population of persons 65 and older is expected to double. It’s important that we stay on top of this driving-safety issue and continue to assess abilities behind the wheel so we can identify those who are “at-risk.” There are a number of Self/Caregiver Assessments that you can participate in from the comfort of your own home.

For all of us, young and old, the motor vehicle is an important aspect of our daily lives. But when we can no longer drive safely, there are other options readily available to us, and there are great benefits:

-Saving money on gas and other costs. This can also include car insurance, registration, maintenance and other fees. These kinds of savings can easily pay for other modes of transportation, like the bus, a cab or gas money for friends.

-You can improve your health. By giving up your keys, you can walk and bike more. Regular exercise (especially for older residents) can help to improve overall health and help to ensure a long life.

-You can grow your social circle. Get a ride with a friend. Reach out and find new people. Not only can you offer gas money as compensation, but you can also trade off on other chores, such as cooking a meal in return for your friend driving.

-Appreciate the change of pace. For a lot of people, giving up the keys means slowing down. It might not sound appealing at all, but for elderly residents, it may help to enjoy life a little more. It can also have some amazing effects on mental health by eliminating the stresses of driving.

According to recent statistics from the National Safety Council (NSC), there were more than 210 million licensed drivers in the U.S. in 2009. Of those, close to 14 million (or nearly 7 percent) were drivers over the age of 75. And this percentage of elderly drivers is at some serious risks for an accident. The changes that come along with aging can work against us when trying to operate a motor vehicle.

If you’ve got elderly individuals in your family, talk with them about their driving abilities. The questions may be best received from a loved one. Fighting for safety is a smart course of action.
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Our roadways are getting busy out there, and the risks of accidents are skyrocketing because of it.

According to the Cape-Coral Daily Breeze, a local driver was involved in an accident recently that sent three people to the hospital. It happened on Interstate 75 when a semi-truck was slammed into by a passing SUV just south of Exit 164.

Our Punta Gorda car accident lawyers understand that the SUV flew off the roadway and caught fire when it finally came to a stop about 100 feet away. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the driver of the truck was not injured. It was the three occupants in the SUV who were injured, including a 6-year-old boy. All of them were taken to Peace River Regional Medical Center.

Currently, officials with the FHP are waiting for the results of an alcohol and drug test.

According to USA TODAY, Florida is one of the most-visited states in the country, drawing 80.9 million visitors in 2009 to its theme parks and beaches. And that’s partially the reason why our roadways are so dangerous. An increase in traffic equates to an increase in traffic accident risks.

If you’re going to be heading out on Interstate 75 anytime over the summer, your best bet is to avoid using it during the morning and evening rush hours. You also want to make sure that you’re allowing yourself extra time to get to where you’ve got to go. This is going to help you avoid rushing should to encounter a traffic accident or a road block.

It’s also important to remember that plans don’t always go as, well, planned. Make sure that you’ve got your GPS system ready to go and that your route is carefully planned. Try avoiding busy roadways. Take back roads and roadways with less traffic to help ensure a safe, on-time arrival.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), there were close to 228,000 traffic accidents recorded in the state of Florida in 2011. That means that there were roughly 625 accidents recorded each and every day.

In these collisions, there were close to 2,500 people who were killed and another 182,000 people injured.

And many of these accidents could have been avoided with more alert drivers. It’s important to hop behind the wheel with a plan and to make sure that there’s nothing distracting you from the task at hand — driving.

Stay on the ball and stay alert behind the wheel to avoid becoming a statistic. Safe travel is in your hands.
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You might remember when President Richard Nixon put his signature on the National Maximum Speed Law, which reduced the top speed on all U.S. interstates to 55 mph. The law was in response to the 1973 oil embargo, and it was meant to rein in fuel consumption.

And it could happen again.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers understand that the same proposal is again up for debate. As you might know, speed limits are regulated by states and local authorities now. And according to MSN, there are close to 40 states that have speed limits of 70 miles per hour or higher on some portion of their road system. That’s a number that’s expected to rise, too. More and more state legislatures are looking at inching up local speed limits.

While many support the increase and say that it’s going to help interstate commerce, there are many others who are saying that the risks for an increase in roadway fatality rates just isn’t worth it.

Back in May, Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn was sent a measure to increase the speed limit on the state’s non-urban interstate highways to 70 miles per hour.

Starting in July, the Ohio Department of Transportation decided to increase the speed limit on some of its roadways to help to get commercial traffic through quicker.

The faster the speed of a vehicle, the greater the risk of an accident. The forces that a body experiences also increase in an accident as the speed is increased. Most people would agree that going 100 mph is foolhardy and will lead to disaster. The problem here is that going faster than the speed limit by a mere 5 miles per hour in the wrong place can be just as dangerous — and just as deadly. Speeding is a deliberate and calculated behavior where the driver knows the risk but ignores the danger. Fully 90 percent of all licensed drivers speed at some point in their driving career; 75 percent admit to committing this offense regularly.

Could Florida be next to raise its speed limits?

According to the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT), officials are concerned about your safety. That is why we set speed limits on our state highways through the use of these familiar black and white signs. But is there a change in the future?

Unfortunately, we know that many accidents are the result of inappropriate speeds. With higher speeds, we typically see more accidents.

According to, most accidents are caused by excessive speed or aggressive driver behavior. So at this point, it seems safer to keep the speed limits as they are.

Regardless of the speed limit, you’re urged to travel cautiously and alertly. It’s also important to remember that you must alter your driving habits to accommodate the weather and road conditions.
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New statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) were not as safety advocates hoped. According to the government, there were more than 34,000 people who were killed in traffic accidents across the U.S. in 2012. This number serves as a 5 percent increase from the previous year. We’ve been seeing decreases each year over the past six years since reaching a near-term peak in 2005, decreasing by more than 25 percent from 2005 to 2011. But that all changed in 2012.

Our Naples car accident lawyers understand that this increase in traffic accident fatalities could have been caused by a number of factors, but officials are targeting one reason in particular. Officials are crediting the increase in driving as the main cause. As our economy continues to recover, motorists are feeling more comfortable in spending at the pump and taking those much needed vacations that they missed out on in recent years. More employees are making the commute back and forth to work as the economy improves. With a thriving economy, we typically see more miles driven and an increase in accidents.

According to the NHTSA, Region 4 (including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and Tennessee) saw a 2 percent increase in the number of traffic accident fatalities from 2011 to 2012.

These accidents are getting quite costly, too. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), direct costs from accidents in 2012 rose to more than $275 billion. Included in these costs were medical expenses, productivity loses, property damage, employer costs and administrative expenses. These costs were estimated to have risen about 5 percent from the year before as well.

In addition to the increase in vehicle miles traveled in 2012, officials are also looking at driver distractions as a common cause of these accidents. Smartphones and distracted-driving accidents accounted for roughly 20 percent of all traffic accidents recorded throughout the year. But there are other incidents that may have led to the increase. Officials are speculating that lack of seat belt usage, drunk driving, teen driver’s inexperience, drowsy driving and unsafe truck drivers were also top causes of traffic accident fatalities. The truth of the matter is that many of these accidents are completely preventable. Drivers need to pay more attention behind the wheel and ensure that safety is their number one concern. It’s a sad fact, but we all forget sometimes.

Drivers are encouraged to enroll in a Florida Driving School. It’s never too late to brush up on your skills behind the wheel. Your refreshed knowledge and awareness can actually wind up saving your life, and it can help to lower your insurance premium with many companies. Classroom courses are available throughout Central Florida. For some classroom courses, including Basic Driver Improvement, First Time Driver, and DUI, you can view schedules and register online. Online courses including traffic school courses are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
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A new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety concludes that drivers are not able to perform, at the same time, the tasks it takes to safely operate their vehicle while they’re engaged in another cognitive demands — like talking on the phone or talking to text.
Unfortunately, many believe that hands-free devices are safer for drivers and can eliminate the risks for car accidents. But that’s just not the case. Distractions of all kinds can significantly increase our risks for a collision. Even those using hands-free technology to talk or communicate with others while driving were far more distracted than drivers not using cell phones behind the wheel, according to CNBC.

“There are in-vehicle activities, such as using a speech-to-text system to send text or e-mail messages, which produced a relatively high level of cognitive distraction,” stated the AAA study.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers understand that distracted-driving accidents take the lives of roughly 3,000 people each and every year. Hundreds of thousands more are injured in these very accidents. Unfortunately, a common theory is that as long as your hands are on the wheel and your eyes are on the road, then you’re okay. But the truth of the matter is that hands-free devices cause serious distraction and can be the cause of serious accidents.

“It’s interesting as AAA nationally did a survey just this past year and 71% of all drivers believed that hands-free is risk-free and 50% of all drivers believed infotainment systems are not distracting. Both of those statistics could not be further from the truth,” said Gail Weinholzer, at Triple-A-Iowa.

Officials with the National Safety Council (NSC) are backing these findings and are urging automakers and lawmakers nationwide to look over this new study and make the appropriate changes.

“We encourage these groups to reconsider the inclusion of communications and entertainment technology built into vehicles which allow, or even encourage, the driver to engage in these activities at the expense of focusing on driving,” said Janet Froetscher, the NSC’s president and CEO.

As we recently reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, Governor Rick Scott has signed a ban to makes it illegal for all drivers in the state of Florida to text message in the driver’s seat — or at least it will be when the law takes effect in October. If you’re busted distracted by text messages or emails behind the wheel, then you’re looking at a $30 fine. Although it’s a mere secondary offense, it’s still a step in the right direction.
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A recent accident in Cape Coral left one scooter rider dead. This may be one of the more extreme accidents, but it’s important for us to discuss. We oftentimes talk about the importance of choosing a vehicle that’s going to help to keep you safe, and that’s important when we talk about accidents like these.

According to the Cape Coral Daily Breeze, the accident happened at roughly 10:00 p.m. when a Hummer 3 slammed into the back of a scooter. Both riders on the scooter were 30-years-old. The driver of the large and powerful SUV was a 55-year-old local man. It happened on Pine Island Road.

Our Cape Coral personal injury lawyers understand that once the scooter was struck by the SUV, it was dragged down the road until both vehicles finally came to a stop. Both riders were ejected from the scooter upon collision. Unfortunately, the male rider didn’t make it out alive. He was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.

Looking at the accident report, the SUV driver said that he never even saw the scooter in front of his vehicle. He also admitted that he had been drinking before the accident happened and submitted to a legal blood draw. Those results are still pending.

As we said, this may be an extreme case, but it illustrates the importance of checking out vehicle safety ratings before heading out and making sure you’ve got a vehicle that works for you. We’re recommending that you and your family check out This is a website that has made finding a safe vehicle as easy as 1-2-3. Fact is, recent statistics show those in an SUV are safer in most types of accidents. Rollover accidents are the lone exception. Obviously, scooter riders, cyclists, motorcyclists and pedestrians are among the most vulnerable.

Thanks to officials with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), we have the 5-Star Safety Ratings — and it’s been going strong for more than 30 years. It’s really simple to use and to understand: More Stars equal Safer Cars. 5-Star Safety Ratings measure the crashworthiness and rollover safety of vehicles. Five stars is the highest rating, one is the lowest.

With this system, you can check out the ratings of virtually any new vehicle that you’re looking to purchase.

Choosing a car is about more than whether it simply looks good, goes fast or is economical. None of those features are much use if the proud new owners end up becoming a casualty. And safety sells. That’s why researchers focus so much of their attention on automobile safety. This is the study and practice of design, construction, equipment and regulation to minimize the occurrence and consequences of automobile accidents.

Before hopping behind the wheel and heading to the car lot, we’re asking that you do your research. Look into what types of vehicles will work for your family and your needs and make sure you’re picking a safe one. You want the vehicle to be able to protect you in the event of an accident.
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Buckle your seat belts! Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers aren’t only reminding you of this to help to keep you safe in the event of a traffic collision — law enforcement officers are on the hunt for motorists who aren’t wearing their seat belts this summer as part of the “Click It or Ticket” safety campaign.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), national seat belt usage is at an all-time high. But it’s not all good news, unfortunately, seat belt usage continues to be lower at night — which is when fatal traffic accidents are more likely to occur.

“Law enforcement officers across the country will be out day and night handing out tickets to unbuckled motorists,” said NHTSA Administrator David Strickland.

In 2011, more than 60 percent of motorists who were killed in an accident that happened during the evening hours were not wearing a seat belt. During the same year, only about 45 percent of those who were killed in a traffic accident during the daytime hours were not restrained.

With the summer travel season upon us, it’s more important than ever to buckle your seat belt, not only to avoid a costly citation from officers but to also help increase your risks of surviving an accident.

According to Florida state law, anyone who is riding in the front seat of a car built after 1968 must wear a seat belt. If you’re under the age of 18, you must be protected by either a seat belt or an appropriate restraint device no matter where you’re sitting. If a passenger who is under the age of 18 violates this law, the driver will be held responsible. After that age, each passenger is held accountable. If you’re busted by an officer for violating these laws, you will be fined at least $30.00 for the offense, plus court costs.

It has been proven that enforcement efforts work. There was nearly a 4.5 percent increase in seat belt usage after Florida enacted a primary seat belt law in 2009. The increase was experienced in just the first month. With the help of law enforcement officers, there was a near 7.5 percent increase with the 2009 “Click It or Ticket” campaign.

Following the enactment and enforcement of this law, reports indicate that close to 95 percent of the driving public understood that they could be stopped and cited for not wearing a seat belt, according to the NHTSA’s “Impact of Implementing a Primary Enforcement Seat Belt Law” report. About 75 percent of individuals in this study also agreed that officers should be able to stop a vehicle and ticket a motorist who is not belted.

Whether you’re heading to the grocery store or heading across country, we’re asking that you make sure everyone in your vehicle (including yourself) is buckled in properly — to help save lives and to avoid a citation from officers.
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