Articles Posted in Car Accidents

According to a newly-released report, the number of fatal teen car accidents in Cape Coral and elsewhere could be decreased significantly if state lawmakers were to just beef up the state’s Graduated Driver’s Licensing (GDL) laws.

The new report from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) looked at each state’s GDL laws and looked at how they were working and what could be done to make them stronger and more effective, reports The Palm Beach News Post.

According to the report, the state of Florida could potentially see a near 40 percent decrease in the number of fatal teen car accidents if we took a good look at improving teen-driving regulations. Our state could enact a passenger restriction on these young drivers and we could up the age to apply for a learner’s permit, both of which have been proven effective in reducing risks of teen car accidents.

“If every state adopted all five components of the toughest young driver laws in the nation, more than 500 lives could be saved and more than 9,500 collisions could be prevented each year,” claims the report.

Our Cape Coral car accident attorneys have been recently discussing the risks for car accidents on our roadways during the summer months, especially for teenage drivers. We’ve talked about the deadliest days for teen drivers, we’ve talked about the increase in traffic flow and we’ve talked about the increase in the number of accidents expected. The state’s GDL program aims to assist active parents, who can help to get their teens to be safer behind the wheel and to avoid an accident during this dangerous time.

According to the IIHS, the state’s GDL laws:

-Requires drivers to be at least 15-years-old to get their learner’s license.

-Requires drivers to hold their learner’s license for at least 12 months before advancing to a restricted license.

-Requires drivers to complete at least 50 hours of supervised driving, 10 of which must be completed at night, before advancing to a restricted license.

-Requires drivers to be at least 16-years-old before advancing to a restricted license.

-Cannot drive between 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. with an intermediate license.

-Cannot drive between 1:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. when a driver is 17-years-old with a intermediate license.

-Our state has no passenger restrictions for any drivers.

-When drivers are 18-years-old, they can drive without any GDL restrictions.

Parents are urged to review these laws to make sure that young drivers are obeying. It’s also urged that parents enact their own laws to help to reinforce the state’s laws. Lay down the law along with the consequences of breaking these household rules.

“There’s room for improvement across the board, and states could see immediate reductions in fatal crashes and collision claims as soon as the beefed-up provisions are in force,” says Anne McCartt, IIHS senior vice president.
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The nationwide Click It or Ticket campaign launched over the Memorial Day weekend.

Motorists are not only encouraged to buckle up during every car ride, but they’re encouraged to practice other safe driving habits through the summer travel season. According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), the nationwide campaign will be taking place from May 21st through the 3rd of June.

During this time, local and state law enforcement officers will be combing our roadways looking for dangerous drivers. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) joins these efforts in trying to reduce the risks of fatal car accidents in Cape Coral and elsewhere.

“One of our goals is to save lives through education and enforcement campaigns such as Click It or Ticket,” said Col. David Brierton, Director of the Florida Highway Patrol.

Our Cape Coral accident attorneys understand that the summer travel season is here, and with that so are increased risks for fatal accidents on our roadways. That’s why law enforcement officers statewide and our attorneys here at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, are asking drivers to be on their best behavior behind the wheel during the busy travel season. Safe and responsible driving habits may be your best defense against a potentially fatal accident on our roadways.

Each year, seat belts save the lives of thousands of motorists nationwide. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were early 13,000 lives saved across the country because of seat belts in 2010. In addition to wearing a seat belt, there are a number of safety tips that drivers can follow and practice to help keep our roadways safe throughout the summer.

Safe Driving Tips from the DHSMV:

-Buckle up every time you get into the car.

-Never pack more people into your vehicle than you have seat belts.

-Make sure that your tires are in good condition before setting out.

-Make sure that all young children are properly buckled.

-Keep your windshield clean to help to increase visibility.

-Never consume alcohol or any other kind of drug and get behind the wheel.

-Drive with your headlights on, both during the day and the night.

-Know all of the road laws.

-Obey speed limits. They’re limits and not suggestions. Speeding decreases your ability to react to a road danger.

-Look in all directions before turning or changing lanes in traffic.

-Be on the lookout for motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists on our roadways.

-Keep distractions at bay. Not only does it include phones and text messaging devices, but also smoking, drinking, eating, talking with passengers and playing with the radio.

-Adjust your driving habits to the current weather, traffic and road conditions.

-Keep a lookout for potholes, bumps in the road and other road debris at all times.

-Be a courteous and safe driver at all times.
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More people are dying in car accidents in Naples and elsewhere this year than last year, according to preliminary data from the National Safety Council (NSC).

During the first 3 months of 2011, there were less than 7,300 people who were killed in car accidents across the country. During that same time in 2012, NSC officials estimate that roughly 8,200 people have been killed under the same circumstances. That’s a 12 percent increase in the number of roadway fatalities!

Why the increase? That’s what officials are trying to pinpoint, too. There are a number of reasons that could have led to the increase, officials report. Some are saying that it’s the improving economy that’s fueling the increase. With a recovering economy, more Americans are feeling better at the pump and are taking more road trips because of it. With an increase in vehicle miles traveled, we see an increase in the risks for accidents and ultimately an increase in the number of roadway fatalities. Another reason, officials say, could be the mild winter we just experienced. Across the country, states were blessed with a calm winter season. With less snow and ice on the road, more northerners were able to hit the road for winter vacations. Again, an increase in driving could have led to the increase in accidents. The number of total miles driven across the county has been on the rise since December.

Our Naples injury attorneys understand that an increase in roadway accidents not only leads to more lives lost, but it also leads to costlier bills. In 2011, the cost for motor vehicle-related fatalities topped $250 billion. Included in the costs of fatal motor vehicle accidents are the bills for lost wages and productivity, administrative expenses, medical expenses, property damage and employer costs.

“The Council will be keeping a close eye on our monthly traffic fatality estimates to discern if this increase is just a temporary blip,” said Janet Froetscher, president and CEO of the National Safety Council.

Drivers are asked to take this information and use it to make improvements in their own driving habits. Remember that driving is a privilege. A driver’s license gives you a certain level of freedom, but it also gives you an enormous amount of responsibility.

Behind the wheel, drivers are asked to:

-Focus on the road.

-Always drive defensively.

-Never drive after consuming drugs or alcohol.

-Always wear a seat belt.

As we head into the summer travel season, drivers are asked to review their own driving skills and make the alterations to be a better and safer driver on our roadways. The fight against fatal car accidents in Naples and elsewhere starts with you.
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It’s those first few rain drops that signify danger.

As we head into the rainy season, you may have noticed a lot more black clouds over the city and a lot more scattered showers. It’s important for drivers to adjust their driving habits in rainy conditions to help to avoid a potentially fatal car accident in Cape Coral and elsewhere throughout Southwest Florida.

Even after the showers start, the risks for a potentially fatal accident continue to increase. Our Cape Coral accident attorneys understand that our roadways are the slipperiest when the rain begins. Oil dropped from cars on our roadways mixed with the falling rain leads to some serious accident risks. We have a few simple safety tips to help you to safely navigate your way through the rainy season on our Florida roadways. Listen up!

Turn on your headlights! As soon as you see the rain start to roll in make sure to kick on your headlights! Turning on your headlights when it’s raining not only helps you to see better, but it helps other motorists to see you as well!

In the state of Florida it is a law to drive with your headlights on when driving in inclement weather (Florida’s Driver’s Handbook Online 2009, Pages 19, 25 and 26).

It’s also important for you to slow it down on our roadways when the rain starts falling. In heavy rain, like we’ve seen recently, your tires can wind up riding along on our roadways on a thin film of water. This is kind of how skis work. It’s called hydroplaning. This is when you’re driving along and you tires aren’t actually touching the road. In these cases, you can easily lose control of your vehicle and skid out of control. You always want to keep your tires on the road by slowing down a bit when it’s raining. You should also make sure that your tires are in good condition, that the air pressure is correct and that the tread isn’t too worn.

Another thing you want to keep an eye on while you’re driving through the rain is your vehicle’s brakes. In deep water and in heavy rain your vehicle’s brakes can get wet, which may cause them to pull to one side or to not hold at all. In these cases, you’re urged to slow down and lightly push on the brake until they’re working again. If they get too bad, your best bet is to pull over, stop and wait it out.

As we head into the rainy season that we all know so well, remember to adjust your driving habits to accommodate the dangerous weather. When it doubt, turn on your headlights. If you need more info on how to handle your vehicle in the rainy weather, feel free to visit the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) for a free copy of the Florida’s Driver’s Handbook Online.

Lastly, we also ask that you be courteous while driving. Keep off the high beams when you’re following another driver or when a vehicle is heading your way. When you have your high beams on it can blind other drivers and can cause serious accidents.
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The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety recently released a study showing the correlation between the age and the number of passengers in a teen’s vehicle and the risks of getting into a car accident in Cape Coral and elsewhere. The newly-released study, “Teen Driver Risk in Relation to Age and Number of Passengers,” revealed that the risks of accidents associated with 16- and 17-year-old drivers increased significantly with each passenger in the teen’s car. With zero young passengers but only older passengers present, teens had the lowest risks for auto accidents.
Our Cape Coral car accident attorneys understand that teens are being let out of school and they’re hitting the roadways in full force. It’s a time for them to get out and hang out with their friends.

Unfortunately for them, hanging out in the car isn’t a good idea. It’s also a time when we see a significant increase in the number of car accidents among this age group. It’s important to set ground rules within your family regarding the number of passengers allowed in your teens’ car. Florida’s graduated driver’s licensing (GDL) program does not set forth any passenger restrictions for these young and vulnerable drivers.

Passengers and risks for car accidents among 16- and 17-year-old drivers:

-Accident risks increase by nearly 45 percent when one passenger under the age of 21 is present.

-Risks double when two passengers under the age of 21 are present.

-Risks quadruple when three or more passengers are in the car that are under the age of 21.

On the opposite side of the spectrum, when passengers over the age of 34-years-old are present in the vehicle, the risks among these young drivers for a fatal accident decreases by more than 60 percent. In the same scenario, their risks for a police-reported accident decrease by nearly 50 percent. This illustrates why it’s so important to ride with your child frequently. Providing them with plenty of supervised driving time allows them to develop safe and cautious habits behind the wheel. These habits can turn into life-long safe driving skills.

In this study, accidents and the number of miles driven within this young age group were analyzed to look at the effect of teens’ habits behind the wheel and their passengers’ influence on their habits.

The study also concluded that states that have strict GDL programs and passenger-restriction rules typically see lower rates of teen car accidents.

“We know that carrying young passengers is a huge risk, but it’s also a preventable one,” said Peter Kissinger, President and CEO of AAA.

The bottom line is that parents can help to take control of these situations and can enact household rules regarding how many young passengers are allowed in the vehicle with their teen drivers.
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Turn signals are a thing of the past, or so it sometimes seems.

According to a recent study conducted by the Society of Automotive Engineers, drivers fail to use their blinkers when changing lanes nearly 50 percent of the time. Drivers also fail to use their blinkers when making a turn about a quarter of the time. That means that drivers fail to use their signals about 2 billion times a day or nearly 800 billion times a year, according to MSNBC.

Why is this?

Is it laziness, a lack of courtesy or poor training? Whatever the reasons, researchers say that the problem causes roughly 2 million car accidents every year. That’s about twice as many accidents as the near 1,000,000 that are linked to distracted driving.

“This is a first of its kind report on a subject that amazingly, has never been studied,” said Richard Ponziani, P.E., and author of the report.

Our Cape Coral auto accident attorneys understand that turn signals are such a simple and effective way to help to reduce the risks of accidents. Researchers say that there’s an alarming lack of compliance among most drivers on our roadways. Researchers say that drivers have an obligation to use these devices, just as they have an obligation to stop at a red light and at a stop sign.

Many believe that drivers don’t typically use blinkers because it’s not a top priority of law enforcement officers. They’re more focused on red-light runners, speeders and stop sign runners. Other than urging authorities to focus more on drivers’ use of the turn signal, researchers also suggest the use of the new “Smart Turn Signal.”

The “Smart Turn Signal” would be able to prevent accidents by turning off a driver’s turn signal after they’ve made a lane change. It would work much like how blinkers shut off after making a turn, only the car would do it after switching lanes.

For drivers who don’t use their turn signal in the first place, the “Smart Turn Signal” would work much like those seat belt reminders do. The vehicle would repeatedly beep and flash a little reminder if a driver continues to ignore turn signals.

According to Ponziani, the new system would be easier to use and would be less expensive than the mechanisms that are currently being used. He says that this new technology would be the perfect opportunity to help to reduce the risks for potentially fatal car accidents in addition to cutting down on the costs of vehicles and making drivers a lot more courteous and friendly across the country.

Turn signals have been proven effective in helping to reduce the risks of car accidents across the country. It’s getting drivers to habitually use their blinkers that’s proving to be the tough part. Safe driving habits should be everyone’s number one priority behind the wheel.
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Three people were seriously injured in a multi-vehicle car accident in North Fort Myers. The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) reports that a 34-year-old driver was heading east on Littleton Road when he attempted to cross over US-41 at a high rate of speed. When crossing over the highway, his car went airborne and came down in the eastbound lane. Once landing on the roadway, he lost control of the vehicle, swerved into another lane and headed down the wrong way of the westbound lanes of Littleton Road.

According to ABC7, the driver then slammed his vehicle into two other vehicles, forcing one to be pushed off the road and flip over into a ditch. After striking the first vehicle, the speedy driver’s car slammed into a second one, driving over its hood and windshield. The speedy driver, his 15-year-old passenger and a 10-year-old passenger of one of the other vehicles were seriously injured in the crash and were transported to local hospitals. There were three others who were also taken to the hospital. Charges on the speedy driver are pending.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers understand that speed has been identified as a key risk factor in traffic-related injuries, influencing the risk of an accident as well as the injuries that result. Controlling your speed on our roadways may be one of the most beneficial ways to help to prevent car accidents and to reduce the impact when they do happen, lessening the severity of injuries sustained by the victims.

The truth of the matter is that the faster a vehicle is going, the higher the risks are for an accident. The forces that are experienced by the body in a collision increase exponentially as the speed of the vehicle increases.

The posted speed limits on our roadways have been carefully formatted and chosen by traffic experts. These limits are in place to help keep traffic flowing smoothly and to help keep motorists safe. Still, speeding continues to be a deliberate and calculated driving habit in which the driver ignores the danger. According to recent polls, about 90 percent of drivers say that they’ve sped on our roadways at some time in their driving career. About three fourths of all drivers say that they do this on a regular basis.

Look at it this way: Every year, there are roughly 6 million auto accidents on roadways nationwide. In these accidents, nearly 40,000 people are killed and another 3 million are injured. Two million of these injuries are reported to be permanent injuries. Excessive speed counts for about a third of these fatalities and injuries. That means that thousands die and millions are injured on our roadways every year because of completely preventable accidents.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speed-related car accidents cost society more than $40 billion each and every year.
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National Work Zone Awareness 2012 is kicking off the summer construction season, according to Laurie Sanderson, a spokesperson with the Florida Department of Transportation.

This campaign is so important to Florida transportation officials because in 2010, there were nearly 70 work zone fatalities and more than 6,000 similar injuries just in our state. During the campaign, officials will be targeting work zone safety and spreading the message to drivers as well — the message is about maintaining alert and safe driving habits in work zones across the state. With this campaign, officials hope to reduce the risks of work zone accidents in Naples and elsewhere.

“These zones demand slower speeds and increased awareness of people and equipment moving in the area,” said Sanderson reported.

Our Naples injury attorneys understand the risks that roadside workers face. All too often, motorists zoom through work sites with little to no regard for the workers within them. It’s important for drivers to slow down and abide by posted instructions to help keep everyone safe in these areas. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Don’t Barrel Through Work Zones! Drive Smart to Arrive Alive”.

The National Work Zone Awareness campaign started back in 2000, according to the Federal Highway Administration. This is the campaign’s 13th year on the books and it continues to grow and advance with each passing year.

With the Spring here, beautiful weather across the country is rolling out along with those orange barrels signifying work zones. During this time, motorists need to be extra careful behind the wheel in these areas to help keep our workers safe — the workers who are hard at work improving our street.

Nationwide, work zone accidents in 2010 killed nearly 600 people and injured nearly 40,000 more. Road work is a dangerous job and comes with some high risks. As a matter of fact, roughly 15 percent of work zone deaths occur to workers. The other 85 percent occur to passing motorists. You see, National Work Zone Safety Week isn’t just working to protect roadside workers, but it’s also working to protect the motorists who pass through these areas every day.

Luckily, these accidents are preventable.

Who is involved in National Work Zone Awareness Week 2012:

– American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)

-Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)

-American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
-American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA)

-Federal Highway Administration
-National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)

Tips to Help You Stay Safe Driving through Work Zones:

-Expect the unexpected.

-Slow it down.

-Avoid tailgating.

-Stay away from workers and work equipment.

-Keep an eye out for and obey flaggers.

-Curb the distractions.

-Stay with the flow of traffic.

-Be patient and stay calm.
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Yes, it seems like it’s always hot here in Southwest Florida, but the true heat is creeping up on us day by day. For that reason, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is working to raise awareness about the increased risks for hyperthermia or child heatstroke in Naples and elsewhere. This is a common problem in Southwest Florida, parents or caregivers forgetting children in cars and leaving young ones in the hot, hot sun. Transportation officials are now pushing the first of its kind campaign “Where’s baby? Look before you lock” to help stop tragedies from occurring this summer.

Did you know that heatstroke is the number one cause of non-collision, vehicle related fatalities for kids under the age of 14? It’s true. These kinds of accidents took the lives of 33 kids in just 2011.

Our Naples child injury attorneys understand that parents don’t leave kids in the car intentionally. Sometimes parents just forget to check the back seat before getting out of the car and locking it up. When children are left in vehicles in the sun for too long they can experience injuries such as blindness, permanent brain injury, the loss of hearing, and death. Another common cause of these accidents is when children are permitted to play in and around unlocked vehicles.

“It is hope that the simple tips from this campaign will save lives and help families avoid unnecessary heartache,” said U.S. DOT Secretary Ray LaHood.

Throughout the next few weeks officials with the NHTSA will be launching a number of radio and online advertisements to help raise awareness about the dangers of heat, cars and children and to push the “Where’s baby? Look before you lock” campaign.

There were 33 kids who died because of these accidents in 2011, according to the San Francisco State University Department of Geosciences. While that illustrates a decrease from the number of fatalities from 2010, 49 deaths, it’s still a top concern for safety officials, especially as children are getting out of school soon and will be spending more time in the car with parents and guardians.

With the change in routine, from kids being in school to kids being in the car, it’s not unlikely for a caregiver to leave a child behind. Parents are urged to keep something in the front seat to remind them to check all seats before getting out and locking the car. You may think it’s silly, but it can help to save your child’s life.

Campaign Tips to Avoid a Heat-Related Auto Accident:

-Never leave a kid alone in the vehicle, even if the windows are down and the a/c is on.

-Make it a habit to check your entire vehicle before getting out. Do it every time.

-Consider keeping your purse or briefcase in the backseat to force yourself to look back there before getting out.

-Teach your child that cars are not play areas.

-Keep car keys out of reach of children.
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Traffic control devices are found along our roadways for a reason. They are here to help direct traffic and they are here to help keep motorists safe. The stop sign that wasn’t seen could have saved a 19-year-old driver in a recent Fort Myers car accident, according to The News-Press.

As the 19-year-old driver left her friend’s house, just before 4:00 a.m., she headed down Riverside Center Court and attempted to turn onto Daniels Parkway. As she made the right-hand turn, she missed a stop sign and drove into the path of an oncoming semi-truck that was heading east on Daniels. The collision caused her 2007 Mustang to spin out of control. According to the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), the young driver died at the scene of the early-morning accident.

Our Fort Myers injury lawyers understand that the driver of the semi-truck was not injured in the accident, which is almost expected considering the size and strength of these large trucks in comparison to smaller passenger vehicles. The two other passengers in the teen’s vehicle were transported to Lee Memorial Hospital and were immediately listed in critical and serious condition.

Our hearts go out to these families. With graduation and summer break right around the corner, now is a great time to talk to your teens about staying safe behind the wheel.

As we head into prom season and the end of the school year, we can expect a great number of teenage drivers on our roadways. During this time it is critical to remind these young drivers about the risks. Teen drivers are urged to be cautious when driving in any scenario, but especially near intersections and large trucks.

A passenger of the vehicle, the driver’s boyfriend, says that the driver didn’t see the stop sign because it was blocked by a garage sale sign. The next day, the garage sale sign was removed.

“She didn’t see the stop sign and she kept going,” said Martir. “And before I knew it, I woke up in the CT scan room and found out my girlfriend’s dead.”

Officials are investigating the accident to see if any contributing factors, like alcohol, were involved in the accident as well. But initial reports indicate this is an example of how roadside obstructions can lead to serious or fatal accidents. Taking pictures as soon as possible after an accident can help you document conditions and protect your rights.

Transportation officials are here to make safer roadways for all. It’s up to them to decide which areas need stop signs, traffic lights and other traffic control devices. Unfortunately, shrubbery, trees and other things can get in the way of these devices. For this reason, it’s important to approach all intersections and roadways with extreme caution.

Be sure to always look in all directions for oncoming traffic before pulling into traffic (and look twice for motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. Slow down when approaching perpendicular roads, ramps or merging lanes. When roadway devices fail, driver awareness and attention should step in to help to prevent any accidents.

In 2009, there were more than 33,800 roadway fatalities across the country. Of these accidents, more than 7,000 occurred at intersections or were intersection-related. Drivers are urged to be cautious when traveling along our dangerous Florida roadways, but especially when traveling through intersections.
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