Articles Posted in Car Accidents

Viewers will likely see a blitz of “Over the Limit. Under Arrest” television commercials this week and next. And motorists will see increased enforcement through the Labor Day weekend as authorities aim to reduce the threat of drunk driving accidents in Fort Myers and the surrounding area.

“Drunk driving is simply not worth the risk. Not only do you risk killing yourself or someone else, but also the trauma and financial costs of a crash or an arrest for impaired driving can be significant,” said FHP Director, Colonel John Czernis. “Violators often face jail time, the loss of their driver license, higher insurance rates, attorney fees, time away from work and dozens of other expenses. Do not take the chance. Remember, if you are over the limit, you can expect to be under arrest.”

1073287_beer.jpgFor four decades, our Fort Myers accident attorneys have built a reputation for providing compassionate and aggressive representation to families dealing with the serious injury or death of a loved one in a drunk driving crash. Through our work with law enforcement at sobriety checkpoints and our support for Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Mobile Eyes and other safety efforts, we remain dedicated to fighting for the rights of clients whose lives have been changed by the senseless acts of a driver who has climbed behind the wheel after having too much to drink.

Dogs might be man’s best friend, but there is clear and convincing evidence that they are not a driver’s best friend.

About two-thirds of dog owners surveyed by AAA said they routinely play with their dog while driving — some go so far as to feed or water their pet while maneuvering through traffic. Our Fort Myers injury lawyers continue to report on the dangers of distracted driving, which is a leading cause of Fort Myers and Cape Coral car accidents.

586375_driving.jpgThe increasing popularity of dogs — and particularly smaller lap dogs — could be contributing to the dangers. The Humane Society of the United States reports there are 77.5 million dogs in the United States, or one dog for every four people. Dogs are in nearly half of U.S. households. A report by the Chicago Tribune suggests that more owners are keeping small dogs in their laps while driving and are allowing bigger dogs to roam free inside the vehicle.

Young drivers are being asked to prepare and submit public service announcements about the dangers of text messaging and using a cell phone while driving. Authorities hope the messages by teenagers for teenagers will help reduce the dangers of distracted driving. As we continue to report, teenagers are at increased risk of car accidents in Cape Coral and Fort Myers.

The winning announcement will debut at National Two-Second Turnoff Day on Sept. 17 and will be featured at the U.S. Department of Transportation’s second annual Distracted Driving Summit on Sept. 21 in Washington, D.C. The Two-Second Turnoff Day encourages teenagers to take two seconds to shut off their cell phones before getting behind the wheel — about the same amount of time it takes a distracted driver to cause a serious or fatal accident.

As our Fort Myers accident attorneys recently reported on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog, the Sunshine State is one of the few that does not have a law preventing teenagers from text messaging or using a cell phone while driving.

South Florida is likely to be on the front lines in dealing with the huge increase in the number of senior drivers as the Baby Boomers hit the road to retirement.

Our Fort Myers accident attorneys frequently report on the dangers faced by teenage drivers. But the Washington Post reports that drivers over the age of 75 are the most at-risk drivers on the road. And those same drivers are twice as likely to say they plan to drive into their 90s than drivers ages 65 to 74.

502438_spring_walk.jpgMeanwhile, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports the percentage of those over the age of 70 who remain licensed to drive has increased from 73 percent to 78 percent in the last decade. Today’s 30 million senior drivers are expected to be joined by 78 million Baby Boomers who will begin hitting their 70s over the course of the next decade.

The Fort Myers injury attorneys and staff at Associates & Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, urge parents to speak with their children about the dangers of distracted driving as teenagers begin returning to school this week.

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers ages 15 to 20, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And Florida ranked just “fair” by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety when it comes to the training young drivers receive. Only 13 states did not earn the agency’s top rating.

Regardless of the training a teen receives in the classroom, it is the involvement of parents who are willing to set clear rules that frequently makes the difference when it comes to keeping teens safe behind the wheel.

The New York Times recently reported the case of a mother who was shocked to learn her son racked up a $5,398 emergency room bill for a cut chin after slipping and falling in the bathroom.

65905_hospital_corridor_1.jpgMedical bills in the wake of a serious injury accident can be astronomical. Errors are quite common and the added stress placed on a family can be almost too much to bear. Our Cape Coral injury lawyers and Fort Myers accident attorneys understand what it takes to cut through the red-tape. And to help ensure that you are receiving the care you need and deserve.

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, we have a department dedicated to assisting clients with medical bills and insurance paperwork. We also work with clients to assist them in getting the necessary follow-up medical care.

Lawmakers ignored the wishes of motorists and safety advocates this summer in passing a law that permits some of the heaviest semis in the nation to roll down Florida highways.

Only Idaho, Maine, Washington and North Dakota permit heavier trucks. Nationwide, nearly every state limits the weight of a semi to 80,000 pounds. When Gov. Charlie Crist signed House Bill 1271 into law, he permitted Florida semis to add an additional 8,000 pounds to the maximum load.

1042539_truck_delivery.jpgBeginning July 1 semis are permitted to add the weight of two additional passenger cars to the average load, which already weighs as much as 20 passenger cars. And Florida’s 70 mph speed limit for semis is already one of the highest in the nation. Is it any wonder that Florida is among the deadliest states in the nation for trucking accidents? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that 269 semis were involved in fatal Florida trucking accidents in 2008. Only California and Texas recorded a worse safety record.

A recent report in the Fort Myers News-Press revealed that Cape Coral has the third-highest rate of drunk driving accidents of any major city in Florida.

The news comes as the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles releases accident data for 2009. The statistics show a record drop in the number of fatal car accidents, from 2,983 in 2008 to 2,563 in 2009. However, our Cape Coral car accident attorneys expect Florida to rank as one of the most dangerous states in the nation for all types of traffic accidents when the federal government releases statistics in the coming weeks.

1174747_by_a_beer.jpgHistorically, Florida has joined California and Texas in reporting the highest number of car accidents, drunk driving accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, trucking accidents and boating accidents.

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