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We bring more products into our home during the holidays than at any other time of the year. That means the risk of dangerous and defective products injuries peak each December and January.

Our defective product attorneys have posted recently about the risks, including those posed by the global marketplace and online shopping services such as Amazon, as well as the risk of toy-related injuries.

deilvery-300x225However, some products are inherently more dangerous than others. Understanding the risks before you choose to bring a product into your home can go a long way toward keeping you and your family safe as we head into the new year.

While the coronavirus pandemic has brought a sense of isolation to virtually everyone, senior citizens are experiencing extreme isolation in record numbers.

More prone to serious infection, and often with fewer surviving friends and family to support them, our elderly loved ones are most vulnerable as we enter the second holiday season of pandemic isolation.833821_elderlyhands-239x300

The most common threats include nursing home neglect and abuse, fall injuries, and car accidents. Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral have written extensively about the risks in nursing homes, where fewer family members are allowed to visit. But another serious threat awaits those seniors who are still mobile enough to be on the roads.

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There is perhaps nothing sweeter and more genuine than the utter delight of a child with a new toy.

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, we are a family of parents. We take particular care when working with children, whether in our offices, in the courtroom, or in working with the March of Dimes and holiday toy drives. But we also continue to monitor with concern the growing and evolving risks of product injuries involving children.

Nearly 200,000 children visited hospital emergency rooms last year because of toy-related injuries. Boys accounted for just over half of the injured. Three-quarters of those injured were children under the age of 14. Nearly half occurred to toddlers under the age of 4, according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission.kidsplaying-300x214

Neighbors are calling for change at a North Fort Myers intersection after separate collisions killed a child and injured a teenager.

NBC-2 reports a 5-year-old girl was killed when she rode her scooter into the road near Castleview Drive at Bayshore Road, where she was struck and killed by an SUV driven by a 91-year-old, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Days later, a 16-year-old girl was seriously injured after she was hit by a pickup truck. Neighbors in the area complained of speeders and unsafe drivers.pedestriansafety-1-225x300

The two tragedies have the patrol reminding motorists of a message often delivered here on our blog: Always be extra cautious around bicyclists and pedestrians, who continue to be disproportionately victimized in Southwest Florida traffic collisions.

“Anytime a pedestrian is near a roadway or bicyclist, you have to be 100% cautious behind the wheel, focus on your actions because we want to do everything in our power to prevent those tragedies from occurring. This season, we noticed the difference already, traffic in our roadways, the volume of cars, and unfortunately the tragedy that is occurring in our roadways. We want to do everything in our power to prevent these tragedies from occurring,” said Lt. Greg Bueno with Florida Highway Patrol.

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Most of us start with the best of intentions each holiday shopping season. We set a budget. We make a plan. We resolve to slow down and enjoy ourselves.

There is every evidence the holiday season is in full season as early as ever in Southwest Florida this year, to the joy of most as we continue the fight to emerge from the coronavirus pandemic that has cast a shadow over the world for nearly two years. More events are planned. More family gatherings are happening. Legions of people have made positive changes to their work-life balance that are likely to endure well after we put the pandemic behind us. chrsitmassafety-300x225

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, we wish each of you a peaceful and joyful holiday season full of family, friends, good times and lasting memories. Understanding the risks, talking with friends  and loved one, visiting elderly relatives, teaching your children, and resolving to stay safe will all help ensure a great end to 2021 and a hopeful start to 2022.

Here is our best advice when it comes to staying safe.

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The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles is joining forces with local law enforcement this October to bring attention to National Pedestrian Safety Month.

Our pedestrian injury lawyers have written extensively about the epidemic of serious and fatal pedestrian collisions throughout Florida. South Florida, in particular, has been repeatedly cited as the most dangerous location in the nation for walkers, with Cape Coral, Orlando, and Miami all making the list of 5 most dangerous metro areas in the country for pedestrians.intersection1-300x225

“Last year, we lost more than 700 Floridians – our friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers – in senseless and preventable pedestrian-involved crashes,” said FLHSMV Executive Director, Terry L. Rhodes. “Pedestrian safety is not a one-way street – it’s the responsibility of all road users, and it’s crucial that motorists and pedestrians alike stay alert and look out for one another’s safety.

Last year, more than 8,000 pedestrian collisions in Florida claimed 712 lives, accounting for 1 in every 5 traffic fatalities. The Governor’s Highway Safety Association reports Florida pedestrian deaths declined by 2 percent last year, the first decline in more than a decade. However, the state still ranked deadliest in the nation behind California, which was the only state to report more than 1,000 walking deaths.

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Fort Myers police have made an arrest in a deadly hit-and-run crash on State Road 82,  NBC-2 reports.

The arrest comes several months after a 30-year-old man was killed in the June 1 collision in the 11900 block of State Route 82. Authorities say the defendant caused the collision through “reckless driving and actions.”stormystreet-300x201

Our car accident attorneys in Cape Coral and Fort Myers note it’s a tragic reminder of the risks responsible drivers face in Florida. Several years ago, lawmakers updated F.S. 316.027 to make it a third-degree felony to leave the scene of an accident involving injury and a first-degree felony for leaving the scene of a crash involving death. Previous to that legal change, drivers faced less severe consequences for being caught leaving the scene than for staying and being charged in the wake of a crash that caused serious or fatal injuries.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports the number of hit-and-run collisions has increased steadily in the state, with such crashes now accounting for one-fourth of all traffic crashes.  The new law allows for license revocation for at least three years and up to 5 years in prison. for injury crashes. Leaving the scene of a crash involving death is now punishable by a prison sentence of 4 to 30 years.

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A Cape Coral man died last week after being pinned between two vehicles along a neighborhood street, NBC-2 reported.

The man was putting tools into the back of his vehicle when a Nissan Sentra driven by a 26-year-old man struck him, pinning him between the two vehicles, according to authorities. The driver said he couldn’t see because of sun glare and condensation on the windshield. Neither speed nor impairment are believed to be factors in the crash, according to authorities.

Floridians do not have to deal with snow and ice. So there is little excuse for leaving the driveway with obstructed views. Take a few moments to clear fog and condensation from your windows. If your windows fog while en route, pull over to the side of the road and give your defrosters a chance to catch up.

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When it comes to the coronavirus pandemic, few places share a bleaker outlook than Florida nursing homes.

The Naples Daily News reports Florida nursing home employees continue to fight vaccine mandates, which could halt new admissions.  The pushback against a federal mandate for all nursing home employees is worsening an already dire staffing shortage. Many employees have already left nursing homes for better, safer, jobs amid the nationwide shortage for hospital employees. Now, many others are threatening to leave in the face of the vaccine mandate.wheelchair3-300x200

The Daily News reports the resulting staffing shortage could halt new admissions, according to Leading Age, which represents a consortium of care providers in Florida.

While liability for preventable COVID-related injury and death is an issue in the early stages of litigation, with no clear-cut answers, our Fort Myers nursing home neglect attorneys know staffing shortage is a long-standing issue in many facilities that has directly contributed to countless preventable injuries and deaths.

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The death of an Ohio woman in a personal watercraft accident on Fort Myers Beach highlights the risk of injury to tourists both in and out of the water.

With all of us facing  the stress of the coronavirus pandemic, it is particularly disheartening to hear of serious or fatal injury occurring to those who have sought a brief escape along Southwest Florida’s coastline. Many businesses are suffering from pandemic-related economic losses and the lack of tourism traffic. It’s important that we all do our part to make the area a welcoming safe-haven from the stresses of everyday life.


The Fort Myers Beach Observer reports the fatal watercraft accident occurred while the woman was on a rented craft near the Fort Myers Beach Pier. The Fort Myers Beach Fire Department, Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the U.S. Coast Guard all responded to the scene. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission reports the woman was a passenger on a rented watercraft when she was thrown during an attempted turn. Staff from the rental company arrived on scene and attempted life-saving efforts, according to FWC.

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