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The holiday season is typically the most dangerous time of the year when it comes to bringing dangerous or defective products into the home. But, like most aspects of life, COVID has also changed the risk of product injury. Pandemic quarantines have found all of us spending much more time at home. Online shopping has further complicated the picture when it comes to holding companies accountable for endangering consumers.internet-300x229

The Government Accountability Office reported last fall that the government’s watchdog for dangerous and defective products, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, needs to do a better job of protecting consumers and addressing the risks of today’s diversified online marketplace. Our defective product lawyers want consumers to know that anyone involved in marketing, supplying, manufacturing or delivering a dangerous or defective product can be held responsible for resulting damages under federal law.

Specifically, the agency found:

Sexual assault has been in the news in an increasing number of cases this year. From Bill Cosby to Jeffrey Epstein, to the Boy Scouts, Catholic Church, local massage parlors, and even Olympic Gymnasts.

While you might be tempted to think the rash of publicity highlights a drastic increase in such criminal conduct, our sexual assault attorneys know that the truth is that victims are becoming more willing to come forward about crimes that have long taken place in the shadows. playgroundswings-300x200

It takes courage. But holding abusers accountable is the only way to ensure they do not continue to prey on other victims. The fact of the matter is that these criminals rarely, if ever, stop victimizing people on their own. For decades they have counted on the shame and silence of their victims to allow them to avoid the public shame and criminal penalties their actions deserve.

It’s that time of year again when students head back to class. Whether attending Florida Gulf Coast University, another institute of higher learning, or heading to a private school or one of the more than 200 schools operated by the Lee, Collier or Charlotte county school districts, there are a number of things you can do to stay safe.

Our personal injury lawyers at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys of the Injured, salute all of the men and women who work in education, whether in the classroom, school administration, or the hundreds of coaches, custodians, maintenance workers or support staff. Your work and commitment to our youth is always to be commended.

But our primary focus is always on the health and safety of our children and their families.

There is growing evidence that Southwest Florida’s roads are more dangerous than at any time in recent memory, as the nation struggles to emerge from pandemic isolation.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports 55 traffic deaths through the first six months of this year in Lee County, putting the area on track to surpass 100 road deaths in 2021. That’s 11 more than during the same period last year. In 2020, Lee County reported 101 fatal crashes, which claimed 109 lives. Despite the pandemic, last year’s fatalities were up 11 percent compared to 2019. night-highway-1450204-300x184

Lee County has surpassed 100 road deaths in 9 years since 2000. However, prior to the pandemic there was evidence that South Florida roads were getting safer. By comparison, Collier County has only reported more than 50 road deaths on one occasion since a record of 79 deaths in 2003.

While there is no question that advanced safety features on new vehicles have the potential to save lives, there is increasing reports of confusion surrounding such technology leading to serious and fatal traffic collisions.car accident lawyer

While Tesla’s auto-pilot technology is most often in the news, the reality is that new vehicles continue to hit the road with a startling array of technological features that are being promoted as safety improvements. Our car accident lawyers know these are some of the most complex cases a personal injury or wrongful death law firm can handle, pitting motorists against some of the largest auto manufacturers in the world and, increasingly, some of the world’s most profitable tech companies, including Apple and Google.

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There is new evidence that traffic deaths among pedestrians have reached epidemic proportions.

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral have continued to highlight the risks in Florida, which is the deadliest state in the nation for these preventable tragedies. While the overall number of road fatalities was declining steadily before the pandemic, many areas, including Southwest Florida, have continued to see an increase in fatalities among walkers and riders.crosswalk

Now a new report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows the number of pedestrians killed increased 53 percent from 2009-2018, after steadily declining for three decades. Today, 1 in 6 fatal accidents involves a walker.

It’s no secret that seat belts save lives. But new research highlights the real-world impact for front- and rear-seat passengers, prompting safety advocates to encourage states to adopt laws that address backseat seat-belt use.

Florida is among the states that only require seat belt use of front-seat passengers.


Our car accident attorneys on Fort Myers and Cape Coral have frequently noted Florida’s lax safety standards – from lack of adequate distracted driving laws to the state’s rock-bottom minimum insurance requirements of just $10,000, Florida is among the worst states in the nation when it comes to mandating good traffic-safety habits.

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The COVID pandemic has brought many new cyclists to the roads of Southwest Florida. The cycling boom is so pronounced that many local bike shops report wait lists for adult bicycles under $1,000.

While cycling can be a great way for adults to exercise while enjoying the outdoors in properly socially distanced fashion, it is also an uncommonly deadly activity, particularly for older adults coming to the activity for the first time in many years.cyclingsafety-300x225

Our Fort Myers bicycle accident attorney know that Florida was already the deadliest state in the nation for bicyclists, even before the recent boom in interest.

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Summer is road construction season in Southwest Florida. That is true every year as crews race to complete major projects during off-season, and before tourists and snowbirds start flocking to the area for high season.

But it’s particularly true this year as Florida and the rest of the nation emerges from the pandemic. Federal investment meant to stimulate economic recovery, and the yet-to-pass infrastructure package being debated in Congress, both mean road construction will be even more commonplace in the coming months.roadconstruction-300x225

Our car accident attorneys in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know construction zones are high risk when it comes to serious and fatal accidents. Please do your part to keep work crews and fellow motorists safe on the road this summer.

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The improving economy is briging a strong tailwind to Southwest Florida’s booming construction industry.

As our Founder Bruce L. Scheiner celebrates his 50th year fighting for the rights of the injured in Southwest Florida, we have written about the area’s long history of explosive growth. Since 1971, Lee County has grown from fewer than 100,000 residents, to about 800,000.scaffolding

But, if anything, growth has seemed to accelerate since coming out of the Great Recession a decade ago. And, while the COVID pandemic stalled growth temporarily, all signs point toward continued growth and expansion.

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