Officials with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) are warning drivers to stay sober behind the wheel through the remainder of the year. We are heading into the two deadliest months for drivers on the road.
Our drunk driving accident lawyers understand this time of the year comes with plenty of opportunities for residents to go out and celebrate. Unfortunately, these opportunities come with some serious risks. We’ve got football season, an end to daylight savings time causing early darkness and we’ve got three holidays in a row. Together they make the last 8 weeks of the year some of the most dangerous.
Each and every year, there are about 10,000 people killed in car accidents that involve a drunk driver. These kinds of accidents actually account for about a third of all roadway fatalities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were more than 700 people killed in these kinds of accidents in the state of Florida in 2010. We were ranked as the third most dangerous state in the country for alcohol-related car accidents.
Florida officers proudly support the nationwide drunk driving campaign “Drive Sober Get Pulled Over.” Residents are reminded to stay safe out there. Make sure that you always have a designated driver. When you’re left without one, don’t worry, there are other ways to get home. You can call a cab, contact a friend or a family member, use public transportation or stay in a hotel or a loved one’s home. The only option you should not consider is getting behind the wheel. It could be the last mistake you make.
“FHP troopers will aggressively look for impaired drivers during the crackdown,” said FHP Director Colonel David Brierton.
Drunk Driving & Football Season:
Football games are among some of the heaviest days of the entire year for alcohol consumption. In Florida, we have 25 NCAA sports teams. Many local campaigns aim to remind sports fans to add a designated driver to the team. Sober drivers are the best way to stay out of jail and out of a potentially fatal car accident.
Underage Drinking and Driving:
Just because your teenager isn’t old enough to legally consume alcohol, it doesn’t mean that they won’t. Did you know that it’s some of our youngest drivers that have the highest rates for drunk driving car accidents? The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) reports that about 30 percent of the young drivers we lose in car accidents return positive test results for alcohol in their system.
Drinking with the Holidays:
There were close to 500 drivers arrested for drunk driving in the state of Florida from the 16th of December through the 3rd of January last year. Another 40,000 drivers were cited during this time as well.
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