Now that school has let out for the summer, families are starting to take vacations and spend more time outdoors. It’s a good time to put our focus on summertime safety. The National Safety Council is offering their annual month-long June observance on safety awareness in hopes of reducing the number of preventable deaths or serious injuries that could occur this month and beyond.
June is National Safety Month, and this is the first of a series of blogs throughout this month that will focus on safety awareness to reduce the risk of personal injuries or car accidents in Fort Myers.
It’s also a good time for our Fort Myers accident lawyers to remind motorists that no matter how safe you are, the negligence of other motorists can lead to serious or fatal injuries. Those involved in an accident, should speak with a qualified attorney and make sure they understand their rights.
Each week in June, the National Safety Council will take on a different topic. Car crashes, overexertion and falls are all leading causes of preventable deaths and injuries. In 2009, there were an estimated 128,200. The recorded total of unintentional deaths in 1992 was 86,777 (lowest recorded total since 1924), which is 47 percent less than the 2009 estimate. Unintentional injuries cost Americans and employers about $693 billion nationally each year, or roughly $5,900 per household.
NSC will focus on the following topics each week:
-June 1-4, Summertime Safety: Summertime accidents often lead to unintentional injuries, so NSC is providing safety and health fact sheets to help prevent these kinds of injuries and fatalities. The key issues to be focused on are distracted driving, teen driving, workplace and off-the-job safety. The organization will be offering various tips on agriculture safety, inside and outside the home safety, environmental safety, road safety and school bus safety.
-June 5-11, Overexertion and How to Prevent it: Hospital emergency rooms treat overexertion frequently with sprains and strains being the most common types of injuries.
-June 12-18, Teen Driving Safety: Teen drivers are the age group most at risk, so promoting safety to this age group is critical to keeping streets and highways safer for everyone.
-June 19-25, Slips, Trips and Falls and How to Prevent them: Not only are older adults more prone to slips and trips, but falls are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries that require professional medical attention.
-June 26-30, Cell Phone Use While Driving: Distracted driving is a contributing factor to the nation’s leading cause of unintentional deaths, which is motor vehicle crashes.
Everyone finds a little extra time during the summer months to do the things they enjoy the most. As you make your summertime to-do list, keep safety in mind as a top priority in order to keep you and your family safe from preventable injuries.
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