Whether you’re at work, shopping at the mall or enjoying a movie at the local theater, your expectations are that you will be in a safe environment, properly protected by the property owner’s security and safety precautions. Yet, oftentimes a commercial business owner, landlord, educational facility or sporting event venue may not have the correct or proper security measures in place, and you may become a victim of their negligence.
Sadly, we’ve all seen the news stories where a recently terminated or disgruntled employee has taken his frustrations out on his former place of employment, resulting in the tragic loss of life and serious injuries to those he may have encountered. From a legal standpoint, several questions arise from such a shocking occurrence. Did the company have adequate security measures in place in order to prevent unauthorized access to the premises? Were security personnel, if present, properly trained to thwart such an attack? Workplace violence is a serious concern, with an estimated 1.7 million violent victimizations committed annually against persons at work or on duty. Physical attacks, rapes, and other acts of violence cost American businesses billions of dollars each year. Some may have been preventable had the business owner established stricter safety and security guidelines.
If you are walking through the local mall with your family and are suddenly attacked, it could be discovered that the owner of the property did not adequately live up to his duty to keep patrons safe and secure while on the premises. People are injured while attending sporting events, perhaps falling down or tripping in a stairwell that was not adequately illuminated. Sometimes, overzealous fans may instigate a physical altercation with one another, and you may be injured as a result. Did the owners and operators of the stadium have adequate and properly trained security personnel on hand?