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Reducing deaths and injuries from car accidents in Southwest Florida, including Fort Myers, Naples and Cape Coral, is the goal of an enforcement blitz announced this week by the Florida Highway Patrol.

The auto accident attorneys and staff at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, urge motorists to use extra caution on our roadways this holiday season and want you to know there are certain things you can do to protect your rights in the unfortunate event that you or someone you love is in an accident this holiday season.


The patrol has announced it will start a statewide traffic enforcement operation focused on speeding and aggressive drivers.

“The purpose of this traffic enforcement initiative is to reduce traffic- related deaths and injuries in Florida,” said Col. John Czernis, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. The blitz has been dubbed Operation Safe Ride. “The Florida Highway Patrol will continue a zero tolerance police toward hazardous moving violations, such as speeding and aggressive driving.”

The patrol announced it will use all available personnel for the operation, which will target violators by use of RADAR, LASER, motorcycles and marked and unmarked patrol cars. Troopers piloting FHP aircraft also will be used to target violators.

Enforcement will be focused on every Interstate, including I-75, Florida’s turnpike and other major state roads.
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Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, has again purchased dozens of holiday billboards urging motorists not to Drink and Drive this holiday season in an effort to reduce the number of drunk driving accidents throughout Southwest Florida.

“The holidays are a time people seem to drink more than other times of the year and we want to prevent the carnage on our roads,” said Bruce L. Scheiner, founder and senior attorney of Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury lawyers, which has been representing drunk driving victims throughout Southwest Florida since 1971.

Each year the firm purchases the boards in Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Naples, Port Charlotte, Arcadia, Sebring and Venice in an effort to help reduce the number of drunk driving accidents and holiday tragedies endured by drunk driving victims.

The statistics are sobering: The Fort Myers- Cape Coral area was recently named the deadliest area its size in the nation for teen drivers between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Thanksgiving ranks Florida’s deadliest holiday for traffic accidents and is followed quickly by Christmas and New Year’s, a 10-day stretch that is full of travel and celebration that too often leads to senseless tragedy.

“We want the public to be aware that drinking and driving is very dangerous and to use designated drivers and take other steps to ensure everyone has a safe holiday season,” Scheiner said.

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goldblacksilver2-2008The motorcycle accident attorneys of Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers are partnering with the City of Cape Coral and the Southwest Florida Chapter of American Bikers Aimed Toward Education for a weekend of holiday biker events.

On Saturday Dec. 13 from 5 to 10 p.m. the firm once again partners with the City of Cape Coral to provide headline sponsorship of Cape Coral Bike Night, the areas premiere bike event featuring thousands of Southwest Florida bikers, food, merchandise and live entertainment in a family-friendly environment.

“The Cape Coral Bike Nights are the area’s biggest and best outings for motorcyclists in Southwest Florida and we are pleased to be the primary sponsor,” said Bruce Scheiner, founder and senior attorney of Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers.

“Fighting for the rights of motorcyclists has been one of our primary goals for 37 years and we look forward to promoting safety and awareness throughout the upcoming season,” Mr. Scheiner said.

For more information on Cape Coral Bike Nights visit www.ccbikenight.com. You can also visit www.flbikers.com.

On Sunday Dec. 14 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, teams with Fort Myers Harley-Davidson and the Southwest Chapter of ABATE for the 28th Annual Christmas Run to Gulf Coast Center, a state-run facility for mentally challenged adults in Buckingham.


Thousands of motorcycles will depart Fort Myers Harley-Davidson on Colonial Boulevard at 12:30 p.m. to bring gifts to the residents. Registration begins at 10 a.m. and gifts can be dropped off at Harley-Davidson anytime, according to Frankie Kennedy, president of Southwest Florida ABATE.

“The Southwest Chapter is very pleased to announce that our Grand Marshall this year will be Bruce L. Scheiner,” said Ken “Teddy Bear” Miller of ABATE. “Mr. Scheiner is a long-time supporter of our Christmas Run and a staunch advocate for motorcycle safety.”

Bruce Scheiner said the firm has been involved in bringing holiday cheer to the residents for decades.

“This is a very worthy cause where the entire motorcycle community gets together to help,” Mr. Scheiner said.
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Car accidents in Fort Myers and Cape Coral involving teen drivers made it the deadliest hotspot of its size nationwide for fatal accidents between Thanksgiving and New Year’s, according to a report released this week by Allstate Insurance.

The accident attorneys and staff at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, encourage parents to sit down with teen drivers and review driver safety as we head into the holidays.

The areas with the highest number of holiday fatalities since 2000 were also in Florida – Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater (59), Jacksonville (29) and Orlando-Kissimmee (39).

Fourteen fatal accidents involving teens have been recorded in Fort Myers- Cape Coral since 2000 – giving the area a holiday teen driving score of just 4 and making it the deadliest city of its size for holiday teen drivers. The Daytona Beach area was second by size with a driving score of 29 — or seven times better than Fort Myers-Cape Coral.

The study also reported that over the past eight holiday seasons, teen drivers nationwide have been involved in more than 5,000 fatal crashes between Thanksgiving and New Year’s.
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Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for persons ages 15 to 24. Car accident attorneys at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, want you to know Lee Memorial Hospital offers a free Young Driver Program.

“All too often young people don’t recognize potential consequences without some tangible proof,” according to program organizers. “The program will educate young drivers on different legal issues involved with driving and also how to stay focused on driving and the responsibilities that go along with the driving privilege.”

The Young Drivers Program will be held at Lee Memorial Hospital in the auditorium once monthly. Class will be from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. and is FREE to young drivers and their parents. To register for the program please contact Syndi Bultman (239) 336-6797.
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Motorcycle injury attorneys and the staff of Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, have teamed up with the Southwest Florida Chapter of American Bikers Aimed Toward Education and Harley-Davidson/Buell of Fort Myers for the 2008 holiday run to the Gulf Coast Center – a state home for challenged adults in Buckinham.

The firm has been teaming with the motorcycle club to put on the event for more than 20 years.

“We bring the holidays to them every year,” said Frankie Kennedy, local ABATE president. “These are adult people who still believe in Santa Clause and he shows up on his Harley to hand out presents.”


With about 1,000 friends – more than 600 motorcycles made the drive last year from Fort Myers Harley Davidson to the Buckingham facility with presents strapped to their bikes, including Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott, Florida Senator Dave Aronberg and attorney Bruce Scheiner.

“They love to see the motorcycles,” said Michael Mayfield, the home’s administrator. “For that hour or two everybody gets together and kind of becomes as one.”

Mayfield said many of the residents have no family in the area.

“It’s really the thought that counts,” Mayfield said. “We really appreciate everything that everybody does for this gala event. It’s really wonderful. You see everybody from all parts of life and all walks of life just getting together and giving back.”

The Motorcycles depart Fort Myers Harley-Davidson on Colonial Boulevard at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday Dec. 14, 2008. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. Participants are asked to bring gifts to brighten the holidays for the 50 men and 30 women of the home.

Presents may also be dropped off anytime at Harley-Davidson/Buell of Fort Myers, 2160 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers.

Much needed and appreciated items include:
– Adult sleepwear and slippers – Pillows, blankets – Bath towels – Shoes, shirts, blouses, dresses, pants, socks and watches – Games and arts and craft items – CD Players and radios – Dental floss, brushes, toothpaste and toothbrushes – Other personal care items like cologne, deodorant, etc.

The home respectfully requests people not donate stuffed animals or other toys as they are not age appropriate.
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Increased patrol will be aimed at reducing car accidents and drunk driving crashes this Thanksgiving holiday as authorities seek to reduce serious injury and wrongful death on Florida highways.

“The Thanksgiving Holidays are typically a time of heavy traffic as people travel to spend time with their families so we urge everyone driving on our highways during the holiday period to drive carefully,” said Colonel John Czernis, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. “Allow yourself plenty of time to reach your destination safely, drive sober and buckle up on each and every trip. The holidays are a time for celebration, but we cannot forget safety behind the wheel.”

The patrol cites failure to drive carefully and wear safety belts, along with drunk drivers, as primary causes of accidents through the holiday.

“Since Thanksgiving always produces a high volume of traffic, the Florida Highway Patrol will increase its presence on Florida roadways during the upcoming five-day holiday period,” Czernis announced.

The patrol said it will use troopers normally assigned to administrative duties as well as auxiliary and reserve troopers to patrol high-volume roadways.
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Drunk Drivers in Southwest Florida face an increasing array of penalties this holiday season as a full-scale law enforcement crackdown aims to prevent serious injury or death caused by drunk drivers.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving is stepping up efforts to reduce the number of people tragically killed and injured by drunk drivers by partnering with law enforcement in a high-visibility crackdown this holiday season,” said Brenda Gellinger, a family support coordinator for the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and local MADD representative.

“From now through New Year’s Day, law enforcement will be out in full force conducting sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols to make it clear that if you drive drunk, you will be arrested,” Gellinger said.

A local MADD chapter will be operating in Lee County this year to assist local law enforcement in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Bonita Springs, Fort Myers Beach and elswhere. After several years without a presence in Southwest Florida, Gellinger recently reopened in office space provided by Bruce and Cheryl Scheiner of Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, which also has purchased dozens of “Don’t Drink and Drive” billboards for the holidays and provides support for local sobriety checkpoints.
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A surprise fact and a cautionary message for Florida motorists: The Thanksgiving Holiday is the year’s deadliest for car accidents and other crashes on Florida roads, according to a five-year average of fatalities compiled by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

Everyone at Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Personal Injury Lawyers, wishes you a happy and safe Thanksgiving Holiday and urges you to use extra caution while traveling to spend time with friends and loved ones.

On average, 53 motorists are killed — 21 of those as victims of DUI crashes or other alcohol-related accidents — on Florida roads each Thanksgiving.

“It’s an extremely busy holiday period and the beginning of the holiday season,” said Capt. Mark Welch of the Florida Highway Patrol.

Welch noted the length of the Thanksgiving Holiday (120 hours measured Wednesday through Sunday) is the big reason for its high tally of fatal accidents. But heavy traffic and the long-weekend’s place at the gateway to the holiday season should make motorists extra cautious.

“Our message to the motoring public is to give yourself plenty of time to reach your destination, drive the speed limit, wear your seat belt and don’t drink and drive,” Welch said.

Christmas and New Year are at the bottom of the list of deadliest holidays, with 34 and 31 deaths respectively. However, New Year is often the shortest holiday period measured at 48-72 hours. It’s fatality rate puts it at the top of the list along with Memorial Day for the holiday with the deadliest rate — one road fatality every two hours.

“We all like to get together with our friends and our families but just do it responsibly,” said Brenda Gellinger of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office and Mothers Against Drunk Driving. “Have a designated driver, or stay put or call a cab.”

Click here for advice about what to do after an accident.
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A 15-year-old girl suffered head and back injuries after she fell off a horse.

A 13-year-old girl burned her arm, leg and abdomen cooking noodles.

President-elect Barack Obama’s aide, Valerie Jarrett, fell off a curb in Chicago and sprained her ankle.

The culprit? Text messaging.

There is increasing evidence that text messaging is contributing to serious injury, according to retired EMS Captain Jay Anderson, who cited the examples above in a recent paper released by the Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition.

Anderson, who also is the executive director of “Stay Alive … Just Drive,” said the first public awareness of the dangers of text messaging came in June 2007 on a rural highway in upstate New York, when five young women just out of high school died in an accident. Records indicate a text message was sent from the driver’s phone 38 seconds before the first 911 call.

The American College of Emergency Physicians
recently warned that being distracted by text messaging at inappropriate times, such as while cross the street, can result in serious injury or death.

“People assume that driving while text messaging is the most dangerous,” Anderson said. “(But) physicians from around the country now cite rising reports of injuries involving texting while walking, bicycling, boating, rollerblading or jogging.”

Two deaths have been reported in California as a result of people walking into traffic while texting.

“We tend to believe we’re capable of multitasking, but in fact we are not,” Anderson said, noting it only takes a split second at 45 mph for everything to change. “Awareness is the key to understanding how one second can change a life forever.”

Anderson and the Lee County Injury Prevention Coalition provided the following 5 safety tips:
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