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The recent serious injury of a teenager in an alcohol-related crash on Palm Beach Boulevard is a reminder of the risks as we head into the deadliest time of year for drunk-driving collisions.

The News-Press reported the teenager was injured when a pickup, believed driven by an intoxicated male, crossed the median and crashed head-on into the victim’s vehicle.drunk driving accident lawyer

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know COVID-19 has upended nearly every aspect of life. However, autumn is expected to remain the deadliest time of the year for drunk driving accidents, including those involving teenagers.

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Lawmakers from Tallahassee to Washington are taking up the issue of COVID liability, in large part to protect schools and businesses while limiting the rights of victims to recover amid the worldwide pandemic.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has been largely mute on the subject of COVID liability. Channel 4 News in Jacksonville reports DeSantis was not among the 21 Republican governors who signed a letter to Congress asking for COVID liability protections for schools, businesses and healthcare workers.

COVID School Liability

Amid so much uncertainty, one thing is certain: This Back-to-School season will be unlike any other in history.

The Lee County School District has ordered teachers to report Aug. 18, with the first day of in-person, face-to-face instruction scheduled for Aug. 31. Schools in Charlotte and Collier counties also plan to open to students on Monday Aug. 31. intersection1-300x225

While concerns about COVID abound, our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know the normal risks of child injury remain acute at this time of year, and in some ways COVID may make traditional risks, like bicycle and pedestrian accidents, even more of a concern.

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Your car will be driving itself pretty soon; some are already doing it on the roads of Babcock Ranch.

While COVID has introduced many of us to a brave new virtual world of Zoom calls and work-productivity apps, the auto industry continues to push innovation after innovation onto the roadways.

The driverless future is far from science fiction. In fact driverless cars, completely autonomous vehicles, are already a reality here in Southwest Florida. The investment press is watching closely and has made a number of startling predictions:

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has issued its 22nd annual “Traffic Safety Culture Index,” which aims to measure the prevalence of common road risks, and drivers’ reactions to them.

The study measures drivers’ perceived danger, risk of getting caught, perceived social approval for risky driving, and their support for laws and policies designed to curtail such risks.hit-and-run

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know the vast majority of traffic “accidents,” are in reality caused by one or more driver errors or poor driving behaviors. Measuring perception helps tell safety advocates where to best focus their attention and public awareness campaigns.

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Our car accident attorneys in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know elderly driving accidents can be caused by a number of factors, including deteriorating eyesight, muscle stiffness and slowed reaction, prescription drug use, and declining mental acuity.


These risk factors counter a number of safe driving habits routinely adopted by older drivers, including obeying the speed limit, wearing seat belts and often driving during daylight off-peak hours.

Unfortunately, the impact of the COVID quarantine means we do not have the same opportunities to check on our older loved ones. They may also be cut off from social functions that would otherwise have kept them more active and engaged. While many businesses, including grocery stores, have adopted senior hours to help keep older populations safer, these are not enough to counteract the negative impact of months of isolation.

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COVID restrictions and new Hours-of-Service regulations are placing increasing demands on the nation’s transportation industry even as safety advocates continue to push measures to reduce the risk of commercial trucking accidents.

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) updated Hours-of-Service regulations in response to industry demand for more flexibility amid the spiking demand for products as the nation deals with the COVID pandemic. truck accident lawyer

“America’s truckers are doing a heroic job keeping our supply chains open during this unprecedented time and these rules will provide them greater flexibility to keep America moving,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Elaine L. Chao.

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral wish each of you a safe Fourth of July weekend. Please be mindful of the pandemic restrictions and social distancing requirements, but find time to enjoy yourself with close friends and family.

July is typically among the quietest times of the year on the roads in Southwest Florida. But July 4th always brings peak travel and this year is expected to be no different. In many cases, people are hitting the road precisely because they have been quarantining at home since the spring and vehicle travel offers the best option to get out of the house while maintaining social distancing and minimizing exposure. car accident attorney

RV and camping resorts and sales centers are reporting record sales and bookings. Combined with hotel and resort closures, the COVID restrictions make planning your trip more important than ever. Know your destination. Make sure they are expecting you.

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New fireworks laws, combined with COVID restrictions, are expected to increase the risks of fireworks injuries in Southwest Florida as we head into the Fourth of July weekend.

Florida Senate Bill 140 was among the 100 new laws that hit the books on July 1, according to the Miami Herald. The bill permits private citizens to set off fireworks in Florida on July 4, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day.fireworks

The Palm Beach Posts reports record fireworks sales as many municipalities cancel or curtail fireworks celebrations in response to the COVID pandemic. Channel 10 News in Tampa reports authorities are bracing for an increasing number of injuries.

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While the COVID pandemic has had a calming effect on Southwest Florida traffic, relaxing restrictions combined with summer rains will serve to increase the risks of the road.

The Fort Myers News-Press reported a death this week after the driver of a Corvette lost control in the rain and slammed into a truck.  Police said the 53-year-old Cape Coral man lost control of his Corvette on State Road 82 near Lightard Knott Lane about 7:10 p.m. The vehicle went over the median, west of Buckingham Road, into eastbound traffic, where it hit a Ford F-350 King Cab.uninsured accidents

Our experienced Fort Myers injury attorneys urge motorists to take the risks of driving in the rain seriously as we head into the height of storm season.

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