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Well, you can still get out on the water.

But boaters off the coast of Southwest Florida are not guaranteed the peace and tranquilly paradoxically offered by local malls during the coronavirus pandemic.boats-300x225

COVID-19 has turned life upside down in Southwest Florida. In mid-March, we were preparing for spring training and spring break, in mid-April we are “safer at home.”

A look at the traffic on the roads of Southwest Florida during the “Safer-at-Home” order makes it clear that few non-medical occupations have been deemed more “essential” during the COVID-19 pandemic than the construction industry.

Sometimes it seems the building will never stop. Certainly, we have proof now that a pandemic won’t stop it. In the last month, everything from new-home communities to major road projects have continued with construction, virtually around the clock, even as most non-essential workers have been strongly encouraged to stay home.cementtruck-300x187

To be sure, construction is a primary driver of Southwest Florida’s economy. This has been true for decades. When Bruce L. Scheiner built his law firm’s headquarters near Page Field in 1971, it was located at the edge of town! Even today, the quieting wrought by the flu pandemic has brought to a standstill nearly everything but construction.

Brick-and-mortar businesses were in trouble long before COVID-19, thanks to the increasing ease and convenience of ordering from online retailers like Amazon. But the flu pandemic has brought a new wave of shoppers to the Internet, many of whom are likely to continue to rely on delivery of everything from toilet paper to televisions long after the economy restarts and local retailers reopen their doors for business.

There are many as-yet unknown consequences to this shift away from local businesses in favor of this international online bazaar of retailers. Dangerous and defective products are an often overlooked risk. And. as our Fort Myers injury lawyers know, holding multi-national companies responsible can be much more complicated. Amazon, for example, has more than 2.5 million independent sellers.

But perhaps nothing drives the risks home like the battalions of gray Mercedes Amazon vans and white cargo vans that can be seen zipping through almost every neighborhood in Southwest Florida. If you are ever at one of their distribution centers, including the one off Treeline Avenue, hundreds of delivery vehicles can be seen exiting these facilities dozens of times a day, bound for neighborhoods across Lee County.busdriver1-300x225

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Are you battling clutter?

A month into the COVID-19 pandemic, with many parents working from home and kids out of school, families are struggling with living under one roof, let alone keeping a nice orderly space. The businesses that are open -particularly grocery stores and big-box chains – are likewise struggling to restock and maintain safe and orderly operations.slip and fall

While a cluttered house can leave many of us unsettled, at a time when we are already struggle to keep a positive mental outlook, the risk of serious fall injuries is an ever-present silent risk. While anyone can be seriously or even fatally injured by a common fall, our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know it is our older residents who are most at risk of falling and sustaining life-altering injuries.

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Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral have fielded a number of questions from concerned citizens about the COVID-19 outbreak. ambulance-300x201

At Associates and Bruce L. Scheiner, Attorneys for the Injured, we stand in support of the many brave men and women working in our hospitals, as well as our first responders. We are taking care of our clients, our employees and our families and are doing whatever we can during these unprecedented times.

But the impact of the outbreak goes far beyond those occupations we have generally considered to be high risk. From dental hygienists to school teachers and grocery store employees — the portion of the workforce with legitimate health and safety concerns have increased exponentially since the worldwide pandemic began less than a month ago.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a significant increase in the number of fostered and adopted pets in Southwest Florida.dog-1361477-300x200

The New York Times reports animal shelters across the country are seeing increased interest in pet fostering and adoption. From a practical standpoint, spending weeks working from home can be a perfect time to introduce a new pet into the home and get past the worst of the house and obedience training. However, our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral urge you to do your homework before bringing a new pet into your home. Particularly if you have small children, choosing a pet can have a significant impact on risk of injury.

While the pandemic has most of us familiar with the workings of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta as it relates to combating the flu and other viruses, the agency conducts research on a broad range of health topics, including pet ownership.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has many Southwest Floridians in isolation. An increasing number are venturing out for long walks or bicycle rides. While bicycling can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors in a solitary pursuit, taking care to avoid injuries during these challenging times should be a priority.bicycle-lamp-1480863-300x225

May is traditionally Bicycle Safety month, and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) sponsors campaigns to remind drivers and bicyclists to do their part to help reduce deaths and injuries on our roads. However, bicycle shops in Southwest Florida are already experiencing unprecedented demand for sales and service as home-bound adults look for options for outdoor activity.

Our experienced injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know that novice adult cyclists are among the most likely to be injured as they embark on a new hobby and, in many cases, relearn a skill from childhood.

The San Francisco Chronicle is among the media outlets reporting the surge in cycling during the pandemic. Currently, 40 million California residents are under a shelter-in-place order and walking and cycling are among the few remaining outdoor options. In major metropolitan areas, including New York City, which has become the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, authorities have actually promoted cycling as the safest transportation option.

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A number of new reports have the focus on seniors and the rising risk of car accidents.nursing home abuse lawyer

The Florida Times-Union is among the media outlets reporting more drivers over the age of 65 are killed in Florida than anywhere else in the country. Last year, 682 fatal traffic accidents in Florida involved at least one senior driver, according to TRIP, a national nonprofit transportation research group in Washington.

Florida is second in the nation in the number (3,341,250) of drivers 65 or older. TRIP’s report says 23 percent of the 3.3 million licensed drivers in Florida are 65 or older, based on 2012 to 2016 statistics.

Law enforcement safety campaigns and media stories continue to draw attention to the severe risks faced by vulnerable road users this time of year, particularly bicyclists and pedestrians.

Operation Vision Zero was launched in Central Florida, according to Chanel 6 News in Orlando. More than a dozen law enforcement agencies are participating in the enforcement blitz through March 31. The effort aims to stop hundreds of motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians who violate traffic-safety laws.bicycle11-225x300

The effort follows a report by ABC Action News in Tampa, which highlighted the fact that Florida is one of just 5 states that account for half the nation’s pedestrian deaths. Continue reading ›

Spring training and spring break are upon us as Southwest Florida enters the height of the winter tourist season.

Traffic is reaching its annual peak in Lee and Collier counties, as the Minnesota Twins and the Boston Red Sox bring thousands of visitors to the area. On the beaches, spring break and visitors escaping frigid northern temperatures mean hotels, resorts, bars and restaurants are managing burgeoning workloads and reaping profits that will sustain them through the slower summer months.


While visitors can be injured at any time of the year, our experienced injury lawyers in Fort Myers know March is statistically the most dangerous month. Everyone faces an increased risk of car accidents this time of year. However, vulnerable road users, including bicyclists, pedestrians and motorcycle riders, are at even higher risk. Visitors are not only more likely to be bicyclists or pedestrians, but are traversing unfamiliar areas often crowded with vehicle traffic and lacking the adequate sidewalks, bike lanes and signs and signals that could help reduce the risk.


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