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Florida has once again ranked as the deadliest state in the nation for bicycle riders.

And it’s getting deadlier. A total of 125 bicyclists were killed on Florida roads in 2017, compared to 148 deaths last year. That’s a year-over-year increase of about 20 percent, which is particularly alarming because Florida was already the nation’s deadliest state for cyclists.

Our bicycle injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral want to remind motorists that Florida law requires drivers provide riders with at least three feet of clearance when passing. Florida Statute 316.083 governs overtaking and passing a vehicle. F.S. 316.156 requires drivers pass on the left at a safe distance (of at least 3 feet) and not drive back to the right until safely clear of the overtaken vehicle.

Lightning safety is in focus in Southwest Florida through the height of the hurricane season, which runs through November 30.

As Hurricane Dorian batters the Bahamas and threatens the East Coast of the United States this week, it’s easy to remember the power of Mother Nature. lightning11-240x300

But lightning is a primary threat throughout Southwest Florida’s long rainy season. In fact, South Florida is the lightning capital of the United States, with Rwanda being the only place in the world where lightning is a bigger threat. As a result, South Florida leads the nation in fatalities and injuries resulting from electrical storms.

Fort Myers injury lawyers know injuries resulting from lightning can include muscle pain, broken bones, burns, cardiac arrest, hearing loss and seizures.  Lightning burns are characterized by a unique pattern of skin lesions. Alternative names for them include “keraunographic markings”, “feathering”, “ferning”, “Lichtenberg figures,”  “lightning flowers” or “lightning trees”.

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College and pro football season are underway, bringing thousands of tailgaters to stadiums in some of Florida’s largest cities, and prompting millions more to host watch parties in their homes.

The Florida State University Police Department is among the many agencies urging revelers to stay safe and celebrate responsibly.  Our Fort Myers injury lawyers know football weekends are prime time for serious and fatal motor vehicle collisions involving intoxicated drivers. Universities at highest risk include Florida State and Miami. football-300x214

Mothers Against Drunk Driving has teamed up with the National Football League to encourage fans to designate a driver. 

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Giant Internet retailers like Amazon are coming under increasing fire for selling defective products to American consumers.

The Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is among the media outlets reporting U.S. regulators are reviewing anti-trust concerns amid allegations the company is misleading consumers about product safety.

Fort Myers defective product lawyers know today’s Internet economy continues to vie with big box stores like Wal-Mart and Costco for consumer dollars. Each owes a duty to consumers when it comes to product safety, regardless of whether a purchase is made online or at a brick-and-mortar retailer.

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We are entering the height of hurricane season in Southwest Florida and that means any number of additional dangers on the road.

NBC-2 reported a motorist escape injury last week after crashing a car into deep standing water in a field in Fort Myers. The incident illustrates the risks drivers face anytime they leave the roadway during rainy season in Southwest Florida, where standing water, retention ponds, and hundreds of miles of canals, rivers and inlets pose unique risks to motorists. lightninginjuries-240x300

In a separate incident, six people were hurt after lightning struck the rooftop of an apartment complex. In that case, the injured were working on the roof. One woman fell two stories. Another victim fell from a ladder and struck his head on the pavement.

The News-Press has reported a number of serious multi-vehicle accidents in Southwest Florida in the last month.

In one incident, a multi-vehicle collision closed the westbound lanes of NE Pine Island Road while the Lee County Sheriff’s Office questioned a number of witnesses and others who were at the scene. Media reports indicate a blue Bentley crashed into a silver Honda SUV as traffic was stopped for another accident further up the road. The Florida Highway Patrol also was called to the scene to investigate.highway

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know there are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk of being involved in such collisions, and to protect your rights in the event you are involved in a crash with multiple parties.

The school year gets underway in Southwest Florida on Aug. 12, and motorists should expect to begin seeing an increasing number of young people walking or cycling to school, particularly during the early morning hours and the start of the afternoon commute.

Florida is already the most dangerous state in the nation for both bicyclists and pedestrians. The beginning of the school year, and the arrival of early darkness, often lead to an increased risk of child injury. schoolbusstop-300x225

Our Fort Myers child injury lawyers urge you to use caution, particularly near school zones or while traveling through residential neighborhoods. Providing children the right-of-way is always the best bet when it comes to reducing your chances of being found responsible for causing a tragic accident.

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School buses will be back on the roads of Southwest Florida next week as the 2019-2020 school year officially begins Monday Aug. 12.

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral urge all motorists to use caution as the school year begins. Taking an extra couple of minutes can literally avoid a tragedy. More than 70 percent of eligible students ride the bus in Lee County, which operates more than 700 buses traveling more than 12 million miles each school year. schoolbus3-300x225

For parents, the Lee County School District offers a searchable database of school-bus routes. Motorists should just count on seeing school buses during their morning and afternoon commute.

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is coming under fire for lacking the proper expertise to identify dangers posed by defective vehicles.

Safety advocates content the government’s primary traffic-safety watchdog is often reluctant to order recalls and is constrained by a small staff and tight budget. Among the consequences is an agency that too often relies upon safety studies conducted by auto manufacturers, the Detroit Free Press reported. defectivevehicles-300x200

The agency countered by reporting an increase in staff with significant knowledge of new technologies and cited a record number of recalls issued in each of the last four years.

Fort Myers car accident lawyers know modern technology makes the agency’s task more critical than ever, as the industry begins deploying self-driving and autonomous vehicles and continues to incorporate more and more multi-media technology, which many safety advocates also cite as a primary cause of distracted driving. Continue reading ›

If you’ve been on I-75 or another divided highway this summer, perhaps you have been surprised, even startled, by passing drivers traveling far faster than the speed limit.

It isn’t your imagination; the number of drivers busted for traveling more than 20 mph over the speed limit is on the rise. This week, law enforcement in five states began “Operation Southern Shield” to crack down on speeding drivers and save lives. Florida joins Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and South Carolina in the enforcement effort. night-highway-1450204-300x184

Fort Myers injury lawyers continue to see far too many collisions caused by speeding. Excessive speed not only reduces reaction time, it exponentially increases the force of impact, increasing the risk of very serious or fatal injuries.

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