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It sometimes seems as though snowbirds are replaced by orange road construction barrels as summer begins in Southwest Florida.

Florida Department of Transportation is preparing to begin significant improvements to Interstate 75 at Corkscrew Road, according to the Naples Daily News.

Meanwhile, Lee County Department of Transportation is widening Burnt Store Road from Diplomat Parkway to Tropicana Parkway in Cape Coral and the City of Fort Myers is working on a beautification project along U.S. 41 between Colonial Boulevard and downtown.roadconstruction-300x225

Our car accident lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know each of these projects increases the risks to motorists and pedestrians.

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NBC2 reports a man recently fired a gun at another driver in a road-rage incident after being brake-checked near Six Mile Cypress and Daniels parkways.

Meanwhile, Florida lawmakers have passed a measure that would allow teachers to carry firearms in the classroom. While our Fort Myers wrongful death lawyers recognize the rights of millions of responsible gun owners, we are often asked about liability in the wake of an accidental or intentional shooting. workviolence-300x225

In many cases, there may be a path to financial recovery for victims and their families, although those victimized by unintentional shooting may stand the best chance of collecting from an at-fault party’s insurance company.

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Many of Florida’s best performing nursing homes are about to lose millions in funding, while some of the poorest performing homes, mostly operated by large for-profit corporations, stand to be awarded millions more in state and federal funding. nursing home abuse lawyer

The funding changes were lobbied for and won by large nursing home companies in 2017. The companies sold the changes as an opportunity to increase accountability and quality of care at the state’s long-term care facilities, according to an analysis by The News-Press. 

Our nursing home neglect lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral continue to battle a legislative and regulatory environment that puts little emphasis on patient safety and care. It’s incumbent upon loved ones, friends and family members, to police the system and report violations.

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Friday was Bike to Work Day, which signals the beginning of the summer riding season.

While northern riders are just getting back out on the roads after a long winter, bicyclists in Southwest Florida enjoy year around riding weather. However, even such year-around activity does not explain why Florida remains the most dangerous state in the nation for serious and fatal bicycle accidents. bicycle-200x300

Our bicycle injury lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral note safety advocates have been using the entire month of May to promote cycling safety and awareness, in much the same way that May has become known as Motorcycle Safety Month for more than a decade. Both campaigns target motorists with their messages, as automobile drivers are most likely to be responsible when a collision occurs with a cyclist or motorcycle rider.

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With graduation upon us, it’s time to focus on teen driving safety as we enter the long summer months in Southwest Florida.

Florida ranks 31st when it comes to teen driving safety, and 41st when it comes to laws on the books to promote safety among young drivers, according to a report by WalletHub.ambulance-300x201

Motor vehicle collisions are the number one killer of U.S. teenagers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As veteran car accident lawyers in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, we have seen far too many tragedies involving young drivers and their passengers.

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We have entered high school and college graduation season, which means summer is just around the corner.

The American Automobile Association reports 100 million Americans will make a summer road trip this year. Orlando remains the number one summer travel destination in the nation, but many will be visiting Southwest Florida as well. And local residents use the summer season to make road trips of their own, with the Florida Keys and Miami also being popular destinations.hit-and-run

“This is quickly shaping up to be another busy year for family travelers, both on the roadways, as well as other popular travel destinations and attractions.,” said Stacey Barber of AAA. “To make the most of their vacations, AAA recommends families plan and research as far ahead as possible.”

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers know proper planning can go a long way toward getting your trip off to a safe start. But your behavior behind the wheel is equally critical to the safety of you and your family.

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car accidentFlorida lawmakers have passed a tougher measure aimed at texting drivers. Our Fort Myers car accident attorneys continue to see far too many collisions caused by distraction and view this as a long overdue step in the right direction.

The new law, which awaits Gov. Ron Desantis’ signature, makes texting (including messaging, emailing and other forms of typing on a mobile device) a primary violation, meaning an officer can stop and cite a motorist without other cause for the traffic stop. Under current law, a texting violation is a secondary offense, meaning a motorist can only be cited once stopped for committing another traffic violation.

In January, we wrote on our Florida Injury Lawyer Blog about the lack of progress Florida lawmakers have made when it comes to improving traffic safety. Florida continues to lag far behind most other states by almost every measure. AAA reports 44 other states already have laws as strong or stronger on the books. More than half of all states ban all hand-held cell phone use by drivers as studies continue to show hands-free options contribute to a significant number of serious and fatal distracted driving accidents.

A 36-year-old North Port man was killed this week in a rollover crash in North Fort Myers.jeep-300x200

The Florida Highway Patrol reports the incident happened about 10:15 p.m. Saturday on U.S.-41 near the intersection of Avenue A. The victim was traveling southbound with a female passenger and three children in a 2000 Jeep Wrangler when he veered into the median, causing the vehicle to overturn and flip several times, according to NBC News. 

The driver was ejected from the vehicle and was killed. FHP reports he was not wearing a seat belt. The female passenger and a 5-year-old child were both critically injured. The other two children were treated for injuries described as minor. Both were wearing seat belts.

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We wrote recently about driver liability for motorcycle collisions. Most traffic collisions involving a motorcycle and another vehicle are the fault of the vehicle’s driver. The vast majority of riders understand the risks and do whatever they can to help ensure they return home safely to their families.motorcycle-300x225

But there are still a number of things riders can do to help reduce the risks of being involved in a motorcycle accident. Our Fort Myers motorcycle accident lawyers have been fighting for the rights of motorcycle accidents victims and their families since 1971 and have built a reputation throughout Southwest Florida as staunch advocates of motorcycle rights, both on the roads and in the courtroom.

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As we end Distracted Driving Awareness Month we wanted to take a look at the most common causes of driver distraction besides cell phones.

Without question, introduction of the smartphone in the last decade has been the biggest factor when it comes to the increased risk of distracted drivers on the road. Today’s drivers not only use their phones to talk and text, but also for navigation, music, and social media. Each of these activities involves all three types of distraction – visual, cognitive and manual – making them among the most dangerous distractive behaviors engaged in by drivers.driver at a glance

But similar concerns met introduction of the AM radio into automobiles, as well as introduction of the 8-track tape deck as a standard option in the 1960s. When it comes to driver distraction, our car accident lawyers in Fort Myers and Cape Coral know it’s a safety mindset that will best protect you from being involved in a collision.

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