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Authorities are urging motorists to use caution when traveling through road construction zones as the spring tourism season reaches a peak and we approach the summer travel and construction season.

Road construction accidents are a common risk throughout South Florida as these zones are dangerous for both motorists and road-construction crews working to accommodate the areas incredible growth. Typically, as the traffic begins to thin with the end of season, an increasing number of orange construction barrels begin appearing on the roads just in time for summer. construction accidents

Construction Accidents Endanger Road Crews

Reuters is reporting a number of legal questions are being raised by a fatal Uber accident involving a self-driving vehicle.

It’s believed to be the first death involving autonomous driving technology — something so new the courts have not even begun to deal with it. driverlesscar3-300x237

Personal injury litigation against ride-sharing services is also in its infancy, although lawmakers and the courts have already begun to address cases against these App Taxies.

We seldom pause to realize one of the most dangerous things around us is water.

But more than a dozen people have drowned in Southwest Florida in recent months. drowning prevention

A recent vigil was held for a mother and her two children after they drowned when their car drove into a retention pond in Immokalee.  The Palm Beach Post reported a fisherman drowned during a Lake O tournament and late last fall in separate instances a 45-year-old woman accidentally drowned at a North Fort Myers marina while a 2-year-old girl was saved from nearly drowning in a retention pond at a Punta Gorda apartment complex.

We are entering the spring break travel season. Legions of northern college students will be flocking to South Florida for fun in the sun.

Thousands of local students may travel to the East Coast or spend times on Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel Island or at other destinations popular with young people. Beach bars and downtown Fort Myers will be bustling. And teens in large groups will be hitting the already congested roads of Southwest Florida.spring break injuries

In fact six of the nation’s 10 most dangerous spring break destinations are in Florida, according to a recent list compiled by Southern States Insurance.

A rash of serious and fatal motorcycle accidents in Southwest Florida has authorities and safety advocates urging motorists to make a conscious effort to watch for motorcycles as the peak of riding season gets underway.

For nearly 50 years our injury attorneys have been advocates for the rights of motorcycle riders, both on the road and in the courtroom. For more than a decade, Associates & Bruce L. Scheiner has also been the title sponsor of Cape Coral Bike Nights, the largest family friendly bike event in Southwest Florida.

We are committed to helping injured riders and their families, and to promoting rider safety throughout Southwest Florida.

Florida Health is promoting the STEADI (Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths and Injuries) toolkit, which offers fall-prevention resources to health-care providers and patients.

Florida is the epicenter of an epidemic of fall accidents among elderly adults.elderly fall prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports fall accidents are the leading cause of accidental death among older Americans. Each year nearly 3 million elderly residents visit hospital emergency rooms after a fall accident.

Lee Health Trauma Center and the Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization have launched “Driving Down,” an effort aimed at reducing the number of serious and fatal traffic collisions on Southwest Florida roads.

The risk of Fort Myers injury accidents continues to increase. As our accident attorneys reported earlier this month, Southwest Florida roads are growing deadlier. Last year Lee County reported more than 100 traffic deaths for the second year in a row.hit-and-run

The increasing risk has the local trauma center and county planners working together to do something about it, according to a recent article in the Fort Myers News-Press. 

A hidden danger that is seldom talked about is the risk of traffic accidents caused by a health condition or medical emergency.

Florida has the nation’s largest population of older drivers, whose chronic conditions can put them at increased risk. Just recently, the Florida Highway Patrol reported a fatal crash on Interstate 75 near Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard that is being blamed on a medical episode. Medical condition car accidents

Authorities say the 70 year-old Punta Gorda man was pronounced dead at Gulf Coast Medical Center. The truck he was driving veered right and struck another car before driving into the median, where it struck a guardrail several times before coming to rest in the grass.

Even safety-conscious drivers rarely stop to think about the risks of accidents at railroad crossings.

Most are surprised to learn that Florida is among the nation’s deadliest states when it comes to traffic accidents at railroad crossings. 

Our injury lawyers in Fort Myers took note of a recent article in the Sun-Sentinel, which touts new technology as a means of reducing the risks at railroad crossings. About 60 new crossing gates, known as quad gates, are being installed along the corridor where the new higher-speed Brighline trains have begun running in Southeast Florida.railroad accidents

The Sun-Sentinel reports Florida motorists continue to struggle with sticker shock when purchasing auto insurance.

Our Fort Myers car accident lawyers recently reported on the high-number of motorists involved in hit-and-run accidents in Florida, which roughly corresponds to the high number of uninsured motorists on the state’s roads.car accident lawyer

One in four drivers involved in a motor-vehicle collision last year left the scene; 1 in 4 Florida motorists are on the roads uninsured.

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